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. 2023 Apr 3;13(4):e065215. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-065215

Table 2.

Associations between caregiver factors and caregiver burden

Factor Measure factor Outcome caregiver burden Bivariate analysis Bivariate association r/t/F/β/Z Multivariate association
β/b (95% CI)
N Ref
Demographics Age Years VQ burden P ns 75 8
Years ZBI P or S 0.20* 101 12
Years ZBI ns 69 14
Years CDS S ns 209 21
Years CDS R ns 375 23
Years ZBI P or S ns 109 15
Gender Male/female CDS T −2.01* 209 21
Education 0–4 level ZBI ns 69 14
0–2 level CDS A 4.95** 2.61** (1.97 to 14.09) 209 21
Low education CDS R ns 375 23
0–5 level (mother) ZBI P or S ns 109 15
Monthly income TL ZBI ns 69 14
0–4 level CDS A ns 209 21
Low income CDS R 8.65*** 3.69* (–) 375 23
0–2 level ZBI P or S 4.45* 109 15
No of caregivers 1/2 ZBI P or S ns 109 15
Socioeconomic status 0–4 level CDS A ns 209 21
Geographical area Rural area CDS R 6.27** 5.35** (–) 375 23
Mother employment Yes/no ZBI U ns 1190 19
Additional helper None or present ZBI ns 69 14
Daily caring time Hours ZBI P or S ns 101 12
Emotional functioning Anxiety HADS-A CDS P 0.47*** 0.14*** (nr) 160 20
BAI ZBI P or S 0.29** 109 15
HADS-A CBS P 0.51**** 190 24
Depression BDI ZBI P or S 0.70*** 101 12
HADS-D CDS P 0.51*** 0.17*** (nr) 160 20
BDI ZBI 0.48*** (nr) 69 14
BDI-II CDS P 0.64*** 203 22
BDI-II ZBI P or S 0.41**** 109 15
HADS-D CBS P 0.38**** 190 24
BDI-II ZBI 0.36** (0.17 to 0.73) 62 17
Mental health SF-36-MCS ZBI P or S ns 101 12
MHI-5 BM nr −0.51** −0.20* (nr) 93 25
SF-36-RE BI S ns 38 26
SF-36-MH BI S −0.62* 38 26
WHOQOL-BREF-PsyH CDS P −0.68*** 203 22
Perceived stress PSQ BI S 0.65*** 38 26
PSS-4 CDS P 0.43*** 0.10*** (nr) 160 20
Beliefs of rehabilitation RBQ VQ burden P ns 75 8
Perceived self-efficacy PSQ VQ burden P −0.25* 75 8
RSCSE ZBI −0.19** (−0.31 to −0.06) 62 17
Experiential avoidance AAQ-16 DPC burden nr 0.42**** 0.31** (0.52 to 1.21) 94 27
Physical functioning Sleep quality PSQI ZBI P or S 0.39*** 101 12
Pain NRS ZBI P or S 0.36*** 101 12
SF-36-BP BI S −0.40* 38 26
Fatigue/vitality CIS ZBI P or S 0.66*** 101 12
FSS CDS P 0.40*** 203 22
SF-36-VT BI S −0.54* 38 26
Physical health SF-36-PCS ZBI P or S −0.21* 101 12
SF-36-PF BI S ns 38 26
SF-36-RP BI S ns 38 26
SF-36-GH BI S −0.44* 38 26
WHOQOL-BREF-PH CDS P −0.59*** 203 22
Overall health Quality of life VQ well-being VQ burden P −0.50** 75 8
WHOQOL-8 BM nr −0.39** −0.16* (nr) 93 25
Social functioning Social functioning SF-36-SF BI S −0.61* 38 26
WHOQOL-BREF-SR CDS P −0.68*** 203 22
Environment health WHOQOL-BREF-E CDS P −0.63*** 203 22
Social support SSS BM nr −0.35** −0.41** (nr) 93 25
SSQ VQ burden P ns 75 8
Family support ZBI U ns 1190 19
Others support ZBI U nr** 1190 19
Home-visit nursing ZBI C nr** 1190 19
Home care ZBI C nr* 1190 19
Home-visit rehabilitation ZBI C nr** 1190 19
Training and treatment ZBI C ns 1190 19
Short stay ZBI C ns 1190 19
Mobility support ZBI C nr* 1190 19
Transportation services ZBI C ns 1190 19
No social support usage ZBI C nr* 1190 19
Satisfaction with home-visit nursing ZBI C ns 1190 19
Satisfaction with home care ZBI C nr* ns 1190 19
Satisfaction with home-visit rehabilitation ZBI C nr** ns 1190 19
Satisfaction with training and treatment ZBI C nr** ns 1190 19
Satisfaction with short stay ZBI C nr** −0.29* 1190 19
Satisfaction with mobility support ZBI C ns 1190 19
Satisfaction with transportation services ZBI C ns 1190 19
Coping CHIP DPC Burden nr ns ns 94 27
Individual coping CDS R ns 375 23
Seeking social support CDS R −8.99*** ns 375 23
Spouse support CDS R −7.44*** −5.67** (nr) 375 23

****p<0.0001, ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05.

A, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); AAQ-16, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire; BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory-II; C, chi-squared test; CHIP, Coping Health Inventory for Parents; CIS, Multidimensional checklist individual strength; FSS, Fatigue Severity Scale; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HADS-A, HADS-Anxiety Scale; HADS-D, HADS-Depression Scale; MHI-5, Mental Health Inventory-short form; nr, not reported; NRS, numerical rating scale; ns, not significant; P, Pearson correlation coefficient; PSQ, Perceived self-efficacy in the care questionnaire; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PSS-4, Perceived Stress Scale-4 item; R, univariate regression analysis; RBQ, adapted Rehabilitation Belief Questionnaire; RSCSE, Revised Scale for Caregiving Self-Efficacy; S, Spearman’s linear correlation coefficient/Spearman’s Rho correlation; SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; SF-36-BP, SF-36-Bodily pain; SF-36-GH, SF-36-General health; SF-36-MCS, SF-36-Mental component summary; SF-36-MH, SF-36-Mental health; SF-36-PCS, SF-36-Physical component summary; SF-36-PF, SF-36-Physical functioning; SF-36-RE, SF-36-Emotional role; SF-36-RP, SF-36-Physical role; SF-36-SF, SF-36-Social functioning; SF-36-VT, SF-36-Vitality; SSQ, adapted Social Support Questionnaire; SSS, Satisfaction with Social Support Scale; T, independent Student’s t-test; U, Mann-Whitney U test; VQ well-being, Thai version Viriyaprasart’s questionnaire about well-being; WHOQOL-8, WHO Quality of Life Assessment 8 item index; WHOQOL-BREF, WHO’s Quality of Life Questionnaire; WHOQOL-BREF-E, WHOQOL-BREF-Environment; WHOQOL-BREF-PH, WHOQOL-BREF-Physical health; WHOQOL-BREF-PsyH, WHOQOL-BREF-Psychological health; WHOQOL-BREF-SR, WHOQOL-BREF-Social relationships.