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. 2022 May 4;93(11):1626–1634. doi: 10.1002/JPER.22-0005


Characteristics of the study sample

No – mild periodontitis Moderate – severe periodontitis
N (%)
Male 215 (61.8) 98 (74.8)
Female 132 (38.2) 33 (25.2)
No 188 (54.3) 40 (30.5)
Ex 130 (37.6) 62 (47.3)
Current 28 (8.1) 29 (22.1)
No 116 (33.5) 28 (21.4)
Yes 227 (66.2) 103 (78.6)
No 269 (77.7) 94 (71.8)
Yes 70 (20.2) 37 (28.2)
Alveolar bone loss
No 114 (32.9) 0
Mild 215 (62.1) 0
Moderate 14 (4.0) 107 (81.7)
Severe‐total 3 (0.9) 24 (18.3)
Mean (SD)
Age (years) 62.1 (9.60) 65.4 (7.48)
BMI (kg/m2) 28.0 (5.09) 27.6 (5.24)
Number of teeth and implants 22.6 (7.11) 18.1 (7.50)
BOP (%) 33.6 (16.4) 47.5 (32.4)
Number of pockets with PPD 4 to 5 mm 10.4 (10.9) 21.2 (15.3)
Number of pockets with PPD ≥6 mm 1.11 (2.71) 9.44 (13.6)

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; BOP, bleeding on probing; CAD, coronary artery disease; PPD, probing pocket depth; SD, standard deviation.