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. 2023 Apr 10;19:29. doi: 10.1186/s13223-023-00778-3

Table 1.

The immunological and laboratory findings for the patient in this study

Diagnostic workup Results Normal range
WBC (*103/μL) 9.3 (neutrophil = 33, lymph = 59) 5.5–15.5
Hb (g/dL) 6.6 10.5–14.5
PLT (*103/μL) 810 150–450
BC Negative
UA Normal
S/E Normal
S/C Normal
CRP (mg/L) 75  < 10
Bone marrow PCR Normal
HIV Ab 0.2 (Negative)  < 1
PBS Malaria Negative
PBS Borrelia Negative
ESR (mm/hr) 31  < 10
Wright Negative
CMV PCR Negative
Fungi PCR Negative
TB PCR Negative
Mycobactrium PCR Negative
Anti Diphtheria Ab (IgG)  > 1 (Positive)

 < 0.1: No response

0.1–1: Poor response

>1: Normal response

Anti-Tetanus Ab (IgG) 3.3 (Positive)

 < 0.1: No response

0.1–1: Poor response

>1: Normal response

Bacteriology culture Negative
BACTEC Negative
Na (mEq/L) 132 135–145
K (mEq/L) 5.1 3.5–5
Sweat chloride test Negative 0–40: Negative 
Stool calprotectin 1012 50–200
BUN (mg/dL) 10.2 5–18
Cr (mg/dL) 1.5 0.5–1
Ph (mg/dL) 4.9 4–7
AST (U/L) 24 10–40
ALT (U/L) 14 10–40
ALP (U/L) 417  < 350
WBC (*103/μL) 10 5.5–15.5
Hb (g/dL) 7.4 10.5–14.5
PLT (*103/μL) 860 150–450
C-ANCA Negative
P-ANCA Negative





CD3 (%) 52 (decreased) 57–75%
CD4 (%) 10 (decreased) 28—47%
CD16 (%) 10 (normal) 3–15%
CD19 (%) 27 (normal) 14–33%
CD8 (%) 22 (normal) 18–35%
CD56 (%) 10.7 (normal) 3–15%
PHA 4.1  > 3
BCG 3.6  > 2.5
Candida 2.5  >  = 2.5
NBT 100  > 95

WBC white blood cell, Hb hemoglobin, PLT platelet, BC blood culture, UA urinary analysis, S/E stool exam, S/C stool culture, CRP C-reactive protein, HIV ab HIV antibody, PBS peripheral blood smear, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, BUN blood urine nitrogen, Cr creatinine, Ph phosphorus, AST aspartate transaminase, ALT alanine transaminase