Treatment of an incidental PcomA aneurysm with the FRED X and coiling with intra- and postprocedural thrombosis. This patient, who had an incidental BA aneurysm treated with a Woven EndoBridge device (WEB; MicroVention) previously, presented with an incidental, irregularly shaped aneurysm of the ICA adjacent to the PcomA (A and B). After an uneventful treatment with FRED X implantation and coiling with a jailing technique (C), intraprocedural thrombus formation at the proximal part of the flow-diverting section of the stent was observed (white arrow in D). Tirofiban was instantly administered for 30 minutes, which led to a complete resolution of the thrombosis (E). Seven days after the treatment, after discontinuation of her ticagrelor medication, the patient presented with complete occlusion of the FD (F and G) with good collateralization via the contralateral side. Recanalization of the stent was achieved by tirofiban administration for 48 hours (H and I). The patient was neurologically asymptomatic the entire time.