Figure 4.
Cumulative hospital healthcare costs per patient in 3 62 825 patients with heart failure (HF) from six countries. Hospital healthcare cost data were available from Canada, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. Costs are in US$ per patient at index and cumulatively over a period of up to 5 years (from 2014 in Sweden, the UK and Canada; from 2015 in Spain; from 2017 in Portugal; and from 2018 in Italy). The x axis is the number of years (year 0 to 1 almost not illustrated). *For the purpose of currency conversion to US Dollars, US$1=0.77 Canadian Dollars, 1.13 Euros and 8.56 Swedish Krona. Fixed currency rates were used and variations over time were not accounted for. CKD, chronic kidney disease; MI, myocardial infarction; PAD, peripheral artery disease.