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. 2022 Sep 3;22(12):2990–3001. doi: 10.1111/ajt.17177


Main features of the 64 study patients, including 31 with classical idiopathic inflammatory myositis (c‐IIM) and 33 with amyopathic idiopathic inflammatory myositis (a‐IIM)

Overall n = 64 c‐IIM n = 31 a‐IIM n = 33 p‐value
Male, n (%) 35 (55) 14 (45) 21 (64) .22
Recipient age (years), med [IQR] 53 [46–59] 55 [46–59] 52 [46–56] .71
Body mass index, kg/m2 26 [23–29] 25 [24–28] 27 [23–29] .29
Caucasian, n (%) 49 (77) 22 (71) 27 (82) .10
Smoking history (pack‐years), med [IQR], n = 44 12 [0–20] 15 [10–20] 6 [0–21] .22
CMV: donor positive / recipient negative, n (%), n = 56 4 (7%) 0 4 (13) .11
Blood group, A/O/B/AB, %, n = 55 40/34/17/9 38/46/12/4 38/34/17/11 .92
Lung transplantation procedure: double/single, n (%) 56 (87)/8 (13) 27 (87)/4 (13) 29 (87)/4 (13) .99
High‐priority transplant allocation program, n (%) 21 (33) 10 (32) 11 (33) .99
Pulmonary hypertension, n (%), n = 39 29 (74) 17 (89) 12 (60) .07
Severe pulmonary hypertension, n (%), n = 39 13 (33) 7 (37) 6 (30) .91
Preoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, n (%) 13 (21) 4 (13) 9 (27) .21
Intraoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, n (%) 32 (50) 12 (39) 20 (61) .13
Postoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, n (%) 25 (39) 12 (39) 13 (39) .99
Induction, n (%) 28 (44) 14 (45) 14 (42) .99
Dialysis during intensive care unit stay, n (%) 12 (19) 7 (23) 5 (15) .53
Primary graft dysfunction Grade 3 at 72 h, n (%) 17 (29) 10 (36) 7 (23) .46
Ventilation time during intensive care unit stay (days), med [IQR] 6 [1–22] 4 [1–16] 11 [3–22] .13
Hemothorax, n (%), n = 63 14 (22) 7 (23) 7 (22) .99
Pneumonia requiring hospitalization during the first posttransplantation year, n (%), n = 50 25 (50) 12 (46) 13 (54) .78
Acute cellular rejection ≥grade 2 during the first posttransplantation year, n (%), n = 53 5 (9) 2 (7) 3 (12) .63
Preformed donor‐specific antibody, n (%) 12 (19) 7 (23) 5 (16) .75
Antibody‐mediated rejection during the first posttransplantation year, n (%), n = 59 6 (10) 1 (3) 5 (17) .11
Chronic lung allograft dysfunction at last follow‐up, n (%), n = 57 13 (23) 8 (29) 5 (17) .52
Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome 10 (77) 6 (76) 4 (80)
Restrictive allograft syndrome 2 (15) 1 (12) 0
Mixed 1 (8) 1 (12) 1 (20)
Cancer after transplantation, n (%) 3 (5) 3 (10) 0 .11
Deaths, n (%) 19 (30) 16 (52) 3 (9) <.01
In‐hospital mortality, n (%) 11 (17) 8 (26) 3 (9) .10
Causes of death, n (%) .49
Septic shock 5 (26) 3 (19) 2 (67)
Primary graft dysfunction 4 (21) 4 (25) 0
Pneumonia 4 (21) 4 (25) 0
Other 6 (32) 5 (31) 1 (33)

Abbreviations: a‐IIM, amyopathic idiopathic inflammatory myositis; c‐IIM, classical idiopathic inflammatory myositis; CMV, cytomegalovirus.