Figure 6. svtRNA1-2 target genes are associated with regulation of cell adhesion.
(A) Venn diagram showing an overlap between up-regulated protein-coding genes from vtRNA1-2 KO (compared with WT), vtRNA1-2 KO svtRNA1-2 predicted targets, and svtRNA1-2 predicted targets from up-regulated genes in AGO2 and Dicer KD cells (top). Tables showing names of 29 svtRNA1-2 target genes. Heatmap is showing fold of expression change for each target gene in vtRNA1-2 KO cells. (B) Pie chart showing cellular localisation of 29 svtRNA1-2 target genes. (C) STRING analysis showing interactions among 29 svtRNA1-2 target genes. Proteins involved in signalling are marked in blue, and glycoproteins are marked in green. (D) Pathway analysis showing an association of svtRNA1-2 target genes with negative regulation of cell adhesion. (E) Representative examples of bright-field microscopy showing differences in a cell adhesion phenotype in WT and vtRNA1-2 KO cells.