Systematic reviews and meta‐analyses included in the meta‐review
Author, year | Number of trials included in meta‐analysis | Intervention | Control | Measure of AUD | Total sample size of meta‐analysis | Quality assessment |
Agosti, 1994 | 15 | Various | Not specified | Participants in 7 out of the 15 studies met criteria for DSM‐III criteria for alcohol dependence. The other studies did not use DSM‐II criteria, but all patients had clinically significant alcohol‐related problems. | 1,912 | Critically low quality |
Agosti, 2012 | 6 (4 relevant) | CBT | Non‐CBT psychosocial treatment | Current alcohol dependence as per DSM‐III‐R or DSM‐IV | 1,008 (4 relevant trials) | Low quality |
Edwards, 1995 | 21 | Family therapy | Various | Alcoholism | Not reported | Critically low quality |
Elzerbi, 2015 | 28 | Brief intervention | Various | Non‐treatment seeking hazardous or harmful drinking. Harmful drinking was regular average consumption of >40 g of alcohol per day for women and >60 g per day for men. | 13,025 | Moderate quality |
Gao, 2018 | 137 | Psychotherapy, contingency management, brief intervention | No treatment, other types of treatment | AUD | 27,282 | Moderate quality |
Hettema, 2005 | 72 (31 relevant) | MI ± feedback, MI + other active treatment | Control condition without elements of MI | Alcoholism, alcohol abuse, addictive behaviours | 14,267 (for all outcomes) | Critically low quality |
Kelly, 2020 | 27 | Alcoholics Anonymous, 12‐step facilitation | Other interventions, no treatment | AUD, alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence, as defined using standardised criteria (i.e., DSM 4th and 5th edition, ICD‐9 and 10, and validated screening and diagnostic tools) | 10,565 | High quality |
Kownacki, 1999 | 21 | Alcoholics Anonymous | Various | Axis I diagnosis of alcohol misuse or alcohol dependence, or who were clearly identified primarily as alcoholics, alcohol misusers or problems drinkers | Not reported | Low quality |
Powers, 2008 | 12 (8 relevant) | Behavioural couples therapy | Active or inactive controls | Various | 499 couples for relevant studies (754 in total) | Critically low quality |
Ray, 2020 | 30 (15 relevant) | CBT | Usual care, another specific therapy plus pharmacotherapy, usual care and pharmacotherapy alone | Meeting criteria for AUD (DSM‐III to 5th edition) or problematic use | Not reported | Low quality |
Riper, 2014 | 12 | CBT + MI | Treatment as usual | AUD, abuse or dependence | 1,721 | Low quality |
Roozen, 2004 | 11 (2 relevant) | CRA | Usual care | Alcohol dependence (DSM‐IV) | 343 (for relevant studies) | Moderate quality |
Roozen, 2006 | 24 (17 relevant) | CBT, group psychotherapy | Various | Alcohol dependence (DSM‐III‐R or DSM‐IV) | Not reported | Moderate quality |
Abbreviations: AUD, alcohol use disorders; CBT, cognitive behaviour therapy; CRA, Community Reinforcement Approach; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; MI, motivational interviewing.