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. 2022 Sep 13;25(1):44–55. doi: 10.1111/codi.16324


Definition of exposures

Risk factor M/Q Definition
BMI M Weight in kilograms divided by the squared height in metres [9]
Diabetes mellitus Q Answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question: ‘Do you or have you ever had diabetes?’
Smoking Q Pack years is packs of cigarettes [20] per day multiplied by the years smoked [8]
Fruit/berries, vegetables, processed meat a and fish Q Answering ‘0–3 times per month’, ‘1–3 times per week’, ‘4–6 times per week’, ‘once a day’, ‘two or more times per day’ to the question: ‘How often do you normally eat this type of food?’
Milk Q Answering ‘never’, ‘<1 glass/day’, ‘1–3 glasses/day’ or ‘>3 glasses/day’ to the question: ‘How often do you drink milk?’
Bread Q Answering ‘white/white multigrain/semi wholegrain’ or ‘wholegrain/crispbread’ to the question: ‘What type of bread do you usually eat?’
Night shift work Q Answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the question: ‘Do you work shifts, night work or on call?’
Exercise Q

Answering ‘none’, ‘less than 1 hour/time per week’, ‘1–2 hours/time per week’ or ‘more than 3 hours/times per week’ to the question: ‘Over the last year, how often have you exercised light/hard?’

MET (metabolic equivalent) hours/week were calculated as in Rangul et al [18]

Education Q Answering ‘primary school 7–10 years, continuation school, folk high school’, ‘high school, intermediate school, vocational school, 1–2 years high school’, ‘university qualifying examination, junior college, A levels’, ‘university or other post‐secondary education, less than 4 years’ or ‘university/college, 4 years or more’ to the question: ‘What is your highest level of education?’

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; M, measurement; Q, questionnaire.


Hot dogs/sausages/hamburgers.