Figure 11.
The location of the sodium binding site on the RCK1 and RCK2 interface in the Slack channel. A, Distances from residue D863 to residues E899, E787, E490, and E491, respectively, during a 500 ns MD simulation. B, The local structure of the sodium binding pocket around D863/E865. The blue color shows residues being closer to residue D863 at 210 ns. The red color shows residues relatively far away from D863 at 140 ns when the site is vacant. C, The rmsD of the backbone of the Slack channel model using 5U76 as the template. D, The rmsF of Na+ ions in the Slack channel homology model using the structure of the chSlack channel (PDBID:5U76). The red-labeled sodium ions resided in the D863/E865 pocket, while the green-labeled sodium ions resided in the E373 position. E, Distances from the resident sodium ion to residues E373 and D955 in subunit 1 during the MD simulation. F, The local structure of the sodium ion (Na1) resides in the E373/D955 position.