The E373Q mutant is expressed on the cell membrane in transfected HEK293 cells. A, Green fluorescence showing the expression of WT rSlack-EGFP in rSlack-EGFPN1 transfected HEK293 cells. B, The WGA staining on the cell membrane of the fixed HEK293 cells (red). C, The merged image shows the colocalization of WT rSlack-EGFP and WGA staining on the cell membrane of the HEK293 cells. D–F, The magnified picture of one cell shows the colocalization of the EGFP and WGA staining on the cell membrane. G–I, Green fluorescence shows the rSlackE373Q-EGFP expression in transfected HEK293 cells (G), while WGA stains show rSlackE373Q-EGFP expression in the HEK293 plasma membrane (H), and the merged expression of rSlackE373Q-EGFP and WGA in the transfected HEK293 cells (I). J–L, The magnified picture of merged fluorescence signals of the expression of E373Q-EGFP mutant and WGA staining on the plasma membrane in the HEK293 cells. M–R, The EGFP expression and WGA staining image of the R373A mutant. S, The overlap rates of EGFP and WGA staining of the WT, E373Q, and E373A mutants of the Slack channel.