Fig. 3. Estimated imports of the most prevalent Delta and Omicron lineages into the Amazonas state.
a, b Estimated number of introductions of Delta and Omicron BA.1 into Amazonas state through time from other countries (foreign) or other Brazilian states (national), based on the Markov jump history in the Bayesian phylogeographic analysis of the most prevalent Delta and Omicron lineages combined. c, d Median (and 95% HPD intervals) estimated number of Delta and Omicron BA.1 introductions into Amazonas state (foreign or national) by lineage. e, f Alluvial plots reflect the total estimated number of Delta and Omicron BA.1 imports from each source location (left side) into Manaus or other municipalities (right side), inferred from the Bayesian phylogeographic analyses of all main lineages combined. CW: Central-West. N: North. NE: Northeast. S: South. N: North.