Bar chart of LVAT-95, LVDI, BIVAT-90 and BIVDI for three different pathologies: proximal LBBB but otherwise normal His-Purkinje system (blue), mild LV His-Purkinje conduction slowing (orange) and severe LV His-Purkinje system conduction slowing. The values are presented as mean ± standard deviation (black lines). LVAT-95 = 95% left ventricular activation time, LVDI = left ventricular dyssynchronous index, BIVAT-90 = 90% biventricular activation time, BIVDI = biventricular dyssynchronous index, LBBB = left bundle branch block, CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy, S-HBP = selective His bundle pacing, S-LBBP optAVD = selective left bundle pacing with optimized atrioventricular delay, HOT-CRT = His optimized CRT, LOT-CRT = left bundle optimized CRT