Figure 3: Individual identity, not estrous phase, accounts for variability in female behavior.
A) Behavioral dissimilarity among phases (within each mouse) and individuals (inter indv. = inter individual) as measured by Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) of syllable usage distributions (left) and by the coefficient of variation (CV) of the usage of each syllable (right). Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed. For KLD: n=16 mice, T=1.0, p=6.10*10−5. For CV: n=49 syllables, T=32, p=7.72*10−9. B) Left: Weights from linear models fit to model syllable usage as a function of estrous phase and mouse identity. Right: Model performance as quantified by R2 (mean±SEM) for models trained to predict syllable usage as a function of phase (P); phase with phase labels shuffled within a mouse (P.s, n=100); phase, identity and their interaction (P*I); phase and identity without interaction (P+I, weights are shown in left panel); mouse identity (I); mouse identity, with shuffled identity labels (I.s, n=100). No significant differences in model performance were identified between P*I, P+I and I models (assessed via ANOVA). For all relevant panels, Box plots depict median, interquartile range, and upper/lower adjacent values (black lines). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.