Correlation analysis of microbial abundance amongst macaques with idiopathic chronic diarrhoea. (A) DiVenn (Sun et al., 2019) figure showing overlap of positive (red) and negative (blue) correlations with bacteria amongst the parabasalid genera of interest. Yellow colour indicates shared correlations for which the direction of correlation differs between the groups. (B) Summary table for the microbial correlation networks. (C) Correlation network of the most abundant microbial genera (greater than 0.005% in at least 1 sample). Edges link nodes (genera) for which abundance was strongly correlated (sharing a significant correlation coefficient greater than 0.8). Node size is scaled to percentage abundance (ignoring the abundance of the ‘unclassified’ group), and labels for genera with less than 0.1% abundance are omitted (except for Parabasalia nodes and their immediate neighbours). Nodes are coloured according to phylum (Actinobacteria; turquoise, Bacteroides; pink, Firmicutes; purple, Proteobacteria; green and Parabasalia; orange) and edge transparency is scaled to the magnitude of the correlation coefficient. Edges linking to Tetratrichomonas are highlighted in red. Connected components are numbered sequentially by decreasing number of nodes and connected components with fewer than 7 nodes are not shown, except those that contain Parabasalia (21 connected components are not shown).