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. 2022 Oct 17;89(2):665–677. doi: 10.1002/mrm.29481


Protocols for MRI of the myelin bilayer

Protocol FOV [mm] Δr [mm] BW [kHz] TE [μs] RF pulse TR [ms] NSA Scan time [m:s] HYFI‐A HYFI‐T2 [μs]
SPI 50 1.56 7.5–470 2067–33 2 μs hard 3 4 03:34 N/A N/A
HYFI 50 0.39 425 12 2 μs hard 1 32 27:41 0.17 50

Note: The first protocol uses an SPI 31 sequence with spherical k‐space support to acquire a multi‐TE image series. The second protocol uses a HYFI 32 sequence to acquire a high‐resolution ultrashort‐T2 reference image. Pulse power was adjusted for maximum steady‐state signal, calibrated in a D2O sample to specifically optimize non‐aqueous signals. The flip angles of approximately a few degrees were adjusted for the two protocols according to their different TRs to yield equivalent contrast. The scan time stated for the SPI protocol is per image, and the full multi‐TE series consisted of 14 images.

Abbreviations: BW, image bandwidth; HYFI‐A, HYFI amplitude coefficient; HYFI‐T2, HYFI target T2; NSA, number of signal averages; Δr, nominal 3D isotropic resolution.