Table 1.
Postoperative respiratory failure PSI 11 ICD-9-CM technical specifications.25
Definition | Postoperative respiratory failure (secondary diagnosis), prolonged mechanical ventilation, or reintubation cases per 1000 elective surgical discharges for patients ages 18 years and older. |
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Numerator | Discharges, among cases meeting the inclusion and exclusion rules for the denominator, with either: • any secondary ICD-9-CM diagnosis code for acute (518.51) or acute and chronic (518.53) respiratory failure following trauma and surgery; or • any secondary ICD-9-CM procedure codes for mechanical ventilation for 96 consecutive hours or more (96.72) that occurs zero or more days after the first major operating room procedure code; or • any secondary ICD-9-CM procedure codes for mechanical ventilation for less than 96 consecutive hours (96.71) or undetermined duration (96.70) that occurs two or more days after the first major operating room procedure code; or • any secondary ICD-9-CM procedure codes for insertion of an endotracheal tube (96.04) that occurs one or more days after the first major operating room procedure code. |
Denominator | Elective surgical discharges, for patients ages 18 years and older, with any-listed ICD-9-CM procedure codes for a major operating room procedure. Exclude cases: • with a principal ICD-9-CM diagnosis code (or secondary diagnosis present on admission) for acute respiratory failure • where the only operating room procedure is tracheostomy • where a procedure for tracheostomy occurs before the first operating room procedure • with any-listed ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for neuromuscular disorder • with any-listed ICD-9-CM procedure codes for laryngeal or pharyngeal, nose, mouth, pharynx or facial surgery • with any-listed ICD-9-CM procedure codes for esophageal resection • with any-listed ICD-9-CM procedure codes for lung cancer • with any-listed ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for degenerative neurological disorder • with any-listed ICD-9-CM procedure codes for lung transplant • with MDC 4 (diseases/disorders of respiratory system) • with MDC 5 (diseases/disorders of circulatory system) • with MDC 14 (pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium) • with missing gender, age, quarter, year, or principal diagnosis |
Full AHRQ PSI 11 technical specifications for ICD-9-CM available at: