Figure 1.
An increase in platelets can promote the development of tumors. (A) In vivo model of high platelet counts induced by four subcutaneous (s.c.) TPO injections. (B) Tumor growth was monitored (n = 10). (C) Tumor weights were examined (n = 10). (D) The increased platelet model established by six platelet transfusions. (E) Tumor growth in mice with or without platelet transfusion was monitored (n = 9). (F) The tumor weights were examined (n = 9). (G) Tumor growth in syngeneic CRC models established in Aurkafl/fl and Aurkafl/fl;Cd19cre/+ mice was monitored (n = 8). (H) Tumor weights were examined (n = 8). (I) Aurkafl/fl and Aurkafl/fl;Cd19cre/+ mice were transfused with the control or B cells. Tumor volumes and tumor weights were examined (n = 9). (J) Tumor growth in Rag2-/- mice transfused with or without platelets was monitored. Tumor weights were examined (n = 9). (K-L) Tumor-bearing mice were treated with the control or clopidogrel. The tumor growth and tumor weights were examined (K: n = 6, L: n = 7). (M) Survival was monitored 24 days after MC-38 injection. Statistical analysis of survival was performed with a log-rank test (n = 8). (N) Representative images of India ink-stained lungs with arrowheads indicating metastatic nodules (n = 3/ time point). (O) Representative H&E images of lung sections from Aurkafl/fl and Aurkafl/fl;Cd19cre/+ mice injected with MC-38 cells. Scale bar, 2 mm, (n = 3). **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05; n.s., not significant.