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. 2022 Oct 10;112(1):132–142. doi: 10.1111/apa.16555


Estimates from growth curve models fitted to the outcome measures SDQ‐P Total Difficulties Subscale (N = 88) and PLOC‐PPC (N = 89)

Parameters SDQ‐P Total Difficulties PLOC‐PPC
Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2
Est. (SE) 95% CI Est. (SE) 95% CI Est. (SE) 95% CI Est. (SE) 95% CI
Fixed effects
Intercept/IAU 9.11 (0.95)*** 7.21, 11.02 8.42 (0.92)*** 6.62, 10.22 4.00 (0.12)*** 3.77, 4.23 4.01 (0.12)*** 3.77, 4.25
FTI −0.73 (1.37) −3.48, 2.02 0.58 (1.27) −1.91, 3.07 −0.03 (1.17) −0.37, 0.31 −0.11 (0.17) −0.44, 0.22
LTC −0.93 (1.71) −4.36, 2.49 −0.71 (1.65) −3.94, 2.52 −0.29 (0.21) −0.71, 0.13 −0.27 (0.21) −0.68, 0.14
Slope/IAU 1.12 (0.48)* 0.15, 2.10 1.09 (0.59) −0.07, 2.46 −0.09 (0.06) −0.21, 0.04 −0.07 (0.06) −0.19, 0.05
FTI −2.03 (0.70)** −3.46, −0.61 −1.73 (0.77)* −3.24, −0.22 0.35 (0.09)*** 0.17, 0.53 0.30 (0.09)** 0.13, 0.47
LTC −2.06 (0.88)* 3.83, −0.29 −2.04 (0.98)* 3.96, −0.12 0.23 (0.11)* 0.005, 0.45 0.22 (0.12) 0.02, 0.46
Child age −0.61 (0.20)** −1.00, −0.22 0.05 (0.03) −0.009, 0.11
CORE BL −0.18 (1.40) −2.92, 2.56 −0.07 (0.19) −0.44, 0.30
CORE Change 1.25 (1.34) −1.38, 3.88 0.02 (0.16) −0.29, 0.33
Child age × Time −0.06 (0.13) −0.31, 0.19 −0.009 (0.02) −0.05, 0.03
CORE BL × Time 0.74 (1.18) −1.57, 3.05 −0.04 (0.14) −0.31, 0.23
CORE Change × Time −0.26 (1.26) −2.73, 2.21 −0.0007 (0.14) −0.28, 0.27
Random effects (SD)
Residuals 2.51 2.47 0.27 0.28
Level 3 intercept 2.37 2.43 0.37 0.41
Level 2 intercept 4.26 3.90 0.47 0.46
Time slope (level 2) 1.08 1.31 0.20 0.21
Correlation 0.27 0.05 −0.53 −0.56

Note: The time variable was coded 0, 1, 2. In the total sample, the means, and standard deviations at baseline for the outcome measures were as follows: SDQ‐P Total Difficulties (M = 8.73, SD = 5.5) and PLOC‐PPC (M = 3.87, SD = 0.69).

Abbreviations: BL, baseline; Change, change in patient symptoms during the study; CORE, Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation – Outcome Measure: Symptoms Subscale; FTI, Family Talk Intervention; IAU, Interventions as Usual; LTC, Let's Talk about Children; PLOC‐PPC, Parental Locus of Control – Perceived Parental Control Subscale; SDQ‐P, Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire – Parent Version: Total Difficulties Subscale.

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.