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. 2022 Nov 2;25(1):282–292. doi: 10.1111/dom.14874


Baseline characteristics of study population (at time of second‐line treatment initiation)

Total White South Asian Black Mixed/Other
36 023 (100%) 30 743 (85%) 3458 (10%) 1274 (4%) 548 (1%)
Female, n (%) 14 643 (41) 12 149 (40) 1616 (47) 646 (51) 232 (42)
Age at baseline, n (%)
18‐49 years 7734 (21) 5711 (19) 1450 (42) 398 (31) 175 (32)
50–59 years 11 128 (31) 9396 (31) 1059 (31) 483 (38) 190 (35)
60‐69 years 9622 (27) 8613 (28) 662 (19) 236 (19) 111 (20)
70+ years 7539 (21) 7023 (23) 287 (8) 157 (12) 72 (13)
Year of second‐line treatment initiation, n (%)
2014 4092 (11) 3584 (12) 318 (9) 139 (11) 51 (9)
2015‐2016 10 910 (30) 9467 (31) 915 (26) 364 (29) 164 (30)
2017‐2018 12 221 (34) 10 379 (34) 1186 (34) 459 (36) 197 (36)
2019‐2020 8800 (24) 7313 (24) 1039 (30) 312 (24) 136 (25)
Years on first‐line (metformin monotherapy), n (%)
<0.5 6676 (19) 5710 (19) 539 (16) 320 (25) 107 (20)
0.5‐0.99 3654 (10) 3183 (10) 288 (8) 123 (10) 60 (11)
≥1 25 693 (71) 21 850 (71) 2631 (76) 831 (65) 381 (70)
Median (IQR) no. of patients registered at the person's GP 10 295 (6981‐14254) 10 471 (7184‐14275) 8793 (5213‐12861) 10 357 (6484‐15253) 10 674 (7377‐15196)
Hospitalization (any) within 1 year prior to second‐line treatment initiation, n (%) 10 216 (28) 8818 (29) 873 (25) 361 (28) 164 (30)
IMD quintile, n (%)
1 (least deprived) 5739 (16) 5322 (17) 271 (8) 45 (4) 101 (18)
2 6484 (18) 5922 (19) 419 (12) 77 (6) 66 (12)
3 6915 (19) 6075 (20) 601 (17) 153 (12) 86 (16)
4 8020 (22) 6473 (21) 995 (29) 416 (33) 136 (25)
5 (most deprived) 8865 (25) 6951 (23) 1172 (34) 583 (46) 159 (29)
HbA1c at baseline, n (%) 9.1 8 9 9.1
<53 mmol/mol (7%) 1318 (4) 1070 (3) 139 (4) 84 (7) 25 (5)
53‐74 mmol/mol 19 443 (54) 16 548 (54) 2057 (59) 541 (42) 297 (54)
75+ mmol/mol (9%) 15 262 (42) 13 125 (43) 1262 (36) 649 (51) 226 (41)
Uncontrolled hypertension, based on last recorded blood pressure, n (%)
Normotensive 9749 (27) 8073 (26) 1155 (33) 351 (28) 170 (31)
Hypertensive 26 274 (73) 22 670 (74) 2303 (67) 923 (72) 378 (69)
Mean (SD) BMI, kg/m 2 33.4 (7.0) 33.8 (7.1) 30.2 (5.8) 32.2 (6.9) 31.3 (6.8)
Smoking status, n (%)
Non‐smoker 7371 (20) 5691 (19) 1145 (33) 389 (31) 146 (27)
Current smoker 9874 (27) 8608 (28) 804 (23) 317 (25) 145 (26)
Ex‐smoker 18 778 (52) 16 444 (53) 1509 (44) 568 (45) 257 (47)
Alcohol status, n (%)
Non‐drinker 3846 (11) 2276 (7) 1199 (35) 239 (19) 132 (24)
Current drinker 22 082 (61) 20 136 (65) 1112 (32) 583 (46) 251 (46)
Ex‐drinker 10 095 (28) 8331 (27) 1147 (33) 452 (35) 165 (30)
Co‐prescriptions, n (%)
RAS inhibitors 17 949 (50) 15 700 (51) 1450 (42) 535 (42) 264 (48)
Statins 24 907 (69) 21 472 (70) 2376 (69) 713 (56) 346 (63)
Cancer (any) 4048 (11) 3794 (12) 129 (4) 91 (7) 34 (6)
Macrovascular comorbidities, n (%)
CVD composite a 8466 (24) 7589 (25) 600 (17) 191 (15) 86 (16)
Amputation 283 (1) 270 (1) 8 (0) <5(0) <5 (0)
Heart failure 2110 (6) 1936 (6) 109 (3) 51 (4) 14 (3)
Myocardial infarction 2521 (7) 2288 (7) 174 (5) 37 (3) 22 (4)
Stroke 1640 (5) 1470 (5) 103 (3) 54 (4) 13 (2)
Ischaemic heart disease 6823 (19) 6117 (20) 495 (14) 134 (11) 77 (14)
Unstable angina 1175 (3) 1049 (3) 83 (2) 29 (2) 14 (3)
Microvascular comorbidities, n (%)
eGFR at baseline category (mL/min/1.73 m2)
No known CKD (eGFR missing) 675 (2) 612 (2) 31 (1) 11 (1) 21 (4)
90+ (Stage 1) 21 391 (59) 17 676 (57) 2694 (78) 640 (50) 381 (70)
60‐89 (Stage 2) 11 913 (33) 10 608 (35) 648 (19) 539 (42) 118 (22)
45‐59 (Stage 3a) 1585 (4) 1432 (5) 65 (2) 66 (5) 22 (4)
30‐44 (Stage 3b) 459 (1) 415 (1) 20 (1) 18 (1) 6 (1)
Blindness 486 (1) 432 (1) 33 (1) 13 (1) 8 (1)
Hypoglycaemia 320 (1) 272 (1) 23 (1) 16 (1) 9 (2)
Proteinuria 2586 (7) 2202 (7) 260 (8) 80 (6) 44 (8)

CVD composite: heart failure, ischaemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, unstable angina.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CPRD, Clinical Practice Research Datalink; CVD, cardiovascular; DPP‐4, dipeptidyl peptidase‐4; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; GP, general practice; HES, Hospital Episode Statistics; IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation; IQR, interquartile range; RAS, renin‐angiotensin system; SGLT2, sodium‐glucose cotransporter 2; SD, standard deviation; SU, sulphonylureas; UK, United Kingdom.