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. 2023 Apr 6;13(7):1267. doi: 10.3390/ani13071267

Table 5.

Carcass characteristics and yields of sheep submitted to intermittent supplementation on Masai grass pasture.

Variable Supplementation Frequency SEM p
Daily Every Other Day
HCW (kg) 10.58 10.42 35.828 0.82
CCW (kg) 10.11 10.11 36.102 0.99
HCY (%) 37.77 38.64 67.496 0.53
CY (%) 35.88 37.51 78.282 0.32
TY (%) 52.66 52.55 72.132 0.93
LCI 0.60 0.60 0.802 0.84
CCI (kg/cm) 0.17 0.17 0.668 0.92
pH 0 h 6.35 6.45 11.806 0.69
pH 24 h 5.53 5.48 2.257 0.27
Temperature 0 h (°C) 38.10 37.36 30.497 0.25
Temperature 24 h (°C) 5.77 5.74 2.043 0.53

HCW = hot carcass weight; CCW = cold carcass weight; HCY = hot carcass yield; CY = commercial yield; TY = true yield; LCI = Leg compacity index; CCI = carcass compacity index; SEM = standard error of the mean.