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. 2023 Mar 30;20(7):5341. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20075341

Table 2.

Core components of frameworks/model/process and details of selected studies (n = 38).

S. No. Author/Year Framework Used Core Components of the Framework Framework/Model/Process Power
1 Agrusti 2020 [2] Community needs assessment methodology model Nine steps community based participatory approach was created: (1) Identify assessment teams and roles, communities of focus, (2) Review past assessment findings and set aims, (3) Establish study methodology, (4) Collaborate in data collection, (5) Conduct thematic and statistical analysis, (6) Present preliminary findings to stakeholders, (7) Compare results, (8) Prepare reports, (9) Disseminate findings. Throughout the process, stakeholders were engaged in planning, assessment and dissemination. University research team integrated with the government customer and empowered the stakeholders to engage in key decisions. Model N/A
2 Bauermeister 2017 [3] Community-based participatory research Engage researchers and community partners through shared decision making. This community engagement approach offered an alternative to traditional research by challenging the notion of “researcher-as expert” and centring community expertise and lived experience. Use community dialogues in 1. round tables (community listening) 2. Refinement 3. Prioritisation. The community dialogue process used in this article is consistent with the principles of CBPR, and it helped the authors to ensure that the program was tailored to the specific needs of the community and that it was well-accepted by the community. However, more information about the recruitment process and measures to ensure participants’ confidentiality and safety would have been beneficial. Framework Shared power through collaboration with community and researchers. Each minority group e.g., transgender only and youth-only Gives each group a chance to participate in an open space without being intimidated or
silenced by older community members and/or professionals. Also considered geographic diversity
3 Berman 2018 [4] Implementation science framework (Proctor and colleagues) Healthy Lifestyles Initiative used five implementation strategies to support organizations in using the messaging materials and implementing policy, systems, and environmental activities: (1) educational training, (2) a structured action plan, (3) coalition support, (4) one-on-one support, and (5) materials dissemination and resource sharing. Framework N/A
4 Bezboruah 2013 [5] Community organising conceptual framework The study adopted a community organising approach where semi structured interviews with executives of several non-profit organisations and community organisers were collected, also participated in events and meetings organised for community organising. Collected da Data collected from the interviews are analysed in a systematic manner that assisted in theory building Framework N/A
5 Black 2020 [36] Green care theory The study conducted the collaborative performance, working with the garden users and worked in the garden. It was focused on connectedness to the natural environment. Recorded observations of actions and interactions as fieldnotes. Interviews were conducted and recorded with three volunteers and staffs. Also recorded the personal observations and impressions in person. Framework N/A
6 Bosma 2005 [6] Community organizing model The community organizing component consisted of five stages: (1) Assessment, (2) Action team creation, (3) Creation of an action plan, (4) Mobilization and action, and (5) Implementation Model Community members (youth and adults) were empowered to address issues relating to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and violence
7 Brookes 2010 [7] Community organisation and community partnerships The program was combination of community organising and collaboration. Implemented with five components: Community partnership, parents education programs, major events, online events and a media campaign. For the community partnership, coalition between different partner groups and parents were created. Additionally, community influentials, leading professional, mayors were included in advisory committee. Parents met on regular basis to develop educational programs and events. Process N/A
8 Bryant 2010 [8] Innovative program planning framework, community-based prevention marketing 9 steps approach: 9-step process: (1) mobilise the community; (2) develop a
profile of community problems and assets; (3) select target behaviours, audiences, and when possible, interventions to tailor; (4) build community capacity to address the priority or target problem; (5) conduct formative research; (6) develop a marketing strategy; (7) develop or tailor program materials and tactics; (8) implement the new or tailored intervention; and (9) track and evaluate the program’s impact
Framework Capacity building activities such as the marketing skills and participatory research techniques for designing, tailoring, and implementing
interventions that promote behaviour change were provided to the interested members.
9 Cheadle 2009 [9] Community organising model The SESPAN project was implemented on the basis of community organising approach where community organisers were hired to develop partnerships and network among community-based organisations, groups and institutions. These community organisations were focused on physical activity. Relationships between the key organisations were built through coalition and one-on-one networking. Semi structured interviews with community stakeholders, a variety of survey-based measures of older adults including pre/post survey were included. Process Partnered with many local organizations and sustain SESPAN activities after the 5-year research funding period ends.
10 Cheadle 2010 [10] Social ecologic model Micro, meso and macro level input- combining individual-level programs with larger scale environmental and policy change follows the social ecologic model. The authors used a mixed-methods approach to evaluate the effectiveness of the community-organizing approach. They collected data on changes in physical activity, diet, and body weight through surveys, focus groups, and objective measures. They also collected data on the acceptability and feasibility of the interventions through focus groups and interviews with community members and organizations. Overall, the article describes a community-organizing approach that is grounded in CBPR principles and uses a variety of methods to engage community members in the planning and implementation of interventions to promote physical activity. Framework Involvement in coalitions
11 Denham 1998 [11] Cottrell’s Community Competency framework Cottrell’s eight dimensions for community to function as a collectively included: (1) Commitment, (2) Self-other awareness and clarity of situational definitions, (3) Articulateness, (4) Communication, (5) Conflict containment and accommodation, (6) Participation, (7) Management of relations with the larger society, and (8) Machinery for facilitating participant Framework N/A
12 Doherty 2006 [12] Citizen Health Care Core principles of Citizen Health Care model are: (1) The greatest untapped resource for improving healthcare is the knowledge, wisdom, and energy of individuals, families, and communities who face challenging health issues in their everyday lives. (2) People must be engaged as coproducers of healthcare for themselves and their communities, not merely as patients or consumers of services. (3) Professionals can play a catalytic role in fostering citizen initiatives when they develop their public skills as citizen professionals in groups with flattened hierarchies. (4) If you begin with an established program, you will not end up with an initiative that is “owned and operated” by citizens, but a citizen initiative might create or adopt a program as one of its activities. (5) Local communities must retrieve their own historical, cultural, and religious traditions of health and healing and bring these into dialogue with contemporary medical systems. (6) Citizen health initiatives should have a bold vision (a BHAG. a big, hairy, audacious goal) while working pragmatically on focused, specific projects. Model N/A
13 Douglas 2016 [13] Communities Creating Healthy Environments (CCHE) Change Model and Evaluation Frame Consist of five overarching strategies grounded in individual, organizational, and community empowerment processes and outcomes: (1) Developing a community base sympathetic to, and supportive of, public health change initiatives. (2) Building leader base, (3) Building ally base, supported by an aligned base of organizational allies with shared interests and values poised to work together toward community health equity, (4) Message reframing and (5) Activate and maintain ongoing community base participation in public health initiatives. Framework Empowering communities to directly redress health inequities
14 Fawcett 2018 [14] Playbook for implementing organisational change (A) Playbook for implementing organizational change for cultural competence: (1) initial orientation and commitment to engage, (2) assessment of the current organization or program, (3) dialogue on identified gaps and priority setting, (4) action planning: draft created by the smaller team and whole group review, (5) implementation and monitoring of progress, and (6) closing dialogue and celebration of achievements (B) playbook for improving quality through access to preventive health services and the Diabetes Prevention Program: (1) initial brief orientation session with potential partners, (2) review of recommendations and plan development, (3) pilot test of implementation protocol to identify prediabetic clients and referral protocols, (4) implementation and monitoring of progress, and (5) dialogue and celebration of achievements. (C) Playbook for improving access and linkage to care through insurance enrolment. The participatory process used five elements (1) initial orientation and dialogue about partnering, (2) review/commit to a level of partnership and related responsibilities, (3) development of an action plan, (4) implementation (typically, during the ACA enrolment period), and (5) monitoring and evaluation. Process The Coalition successfully engaged Latinos and other marginalised groups by partnering to enhance access and linkage to quality health services
15 Flick 1994 [15] Freire’s theory of adult education Community mobilisation occurs through community participation and control. The professional serves as a resource and catalyst but program ideas and direction come from the community. Partnerships with the communities were made based on reciprocity, trust developed through continuous long-term involvement, social justice with its inherent assumption of equity, and a broad definition of health that includes well-being and a sense of community. Faculty was continuously involved to understand the interpersonal and political relationships among community residents and organisations and to identify when action was taken regarding an existing problem. Model Empowered the community as a whole and increase its capacity to improve its
own health.
16 Haseda 2019 [38] JAGES Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool The research team visualised and figured out community health needs by using a JAGES Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool and developed community diagnosis forms. Municipality health sector staff members were supported to utilise the community assessment data tool (JAGES-HEART) and promote intersectoral collaboration, aiming to develop health-promoting social activities in the community. Framework Researchers empowered local health sector staff members
17 Hatch 1978 [16] Rothman’s locality development model Community diagnosis was carried out to identify community needs and methods for utilising resources available inside and outside of the community to meet these needs. Field team members and students continue their responsibilities as requested by the committee and became involved in publicity and media reporting for the program. Each committee member functioned as a group leader assuring the completion of his task at the designated time and shared equal responsibilities. Team members continued attending meetings and talking with more community people and recognised and supported the outstanding work of committee members. Model N/A
18 Hays 2003 [17] Alinsky-style organising (also known as IAF style organising) Hiring coordinators, 2. community assessment 3. community organising through core groups, goal development, Action 4. Linking with another organisation 5. Tailoring project to community. The Mpowerment Project is a community-based intervention that uses a combination of community organising, peer education, and social marketing to empower young gay and bisexual men to take control of their health and reduce their risk of HIV infection. The authors used a CBPR approach and a variety of methods to engage and evaluate the young gay and bisexual men in the project. Framework Shared power through involvement of core group who represent the various segments of the target community
19 Hedley 2002 [37] McKenzie & Smeltzer 1997 community organisation The eight steps of community organising model were adapted to develop the program which includes, (1) Citizens recognise the problem, (2) Organise the people, (3) Identify specific problems, (4) Set goals and establish priorities, (5) Choose solutions or activities, (6) Implement the action plan, (7) Evaluate the plan and process, (8) Modify and expand the plan Model Members took on greater responsibility on leading the implementation and evaluation of the program
20 Hildebrandt 1994 [39] Eight step process The initial steps were focused on community contacts and one-to-one relationships with individuals and groups to identify barriers and assets in the community. The intermediate steps facilitated the open meeting to identify the community needs and their solutions. The final steps were focused on maintaining and sustaining the program. Eight steps of the models were: (1) Information seeking, (2) Support seeking, (3) Set up a work group and a plan with goals, (4) Identify tasks with deadlines and person responsible for each, (5) Interim deadlines and startup date, (6) Nurture the new program, (7) Measure against the original goals, (8) Keep the community informed of progress Model N/A
21 Hilgendorf 2016 [18] Collective Impact; Other: Coalition Action 5 Dimensions of collective impact. 1. Backbone organisation 2. Common agenda 3. shared data platform 4. shared vision 5. Communication Framework The organisation supports broad participation of residents in the democratic process, especially through
congregation-based community organizing
22 Kang 2015 [19] Community-based participatory research (CBPR) An alternative paradigm of knowledge production in which groups who are adversely affected by a social problem undertake collective study to understand and address it. The author implemented CBPR by closely involving the community members in the research process, prioritizing community ownership, and addressing potential biases by inviting multiple perspectives and using techniques such as member-checking and negative peer analysis throughout the data analysis process. Framework Shared power through collaboration with the community and researchers-uses an intergenerational approach
23 Livingston 2018 [20] Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol (CMCA) An iterative process with six stages of community organising was adopted to implement the intervention CMCA, (a) assessment of community interests through face-to-face, one-on-one or two-on-one meetings with hundreds of community residents; (b) building a base of support through one-on-ones and establishment of a community action team; (c) expanding the base of support through one- or two-on-one meetings, presence and presentations at community events, and media advocacy; (d) development of a plan of action; (e) implementation of actions; and (f) maintenance of effort and institutionalisation of change. Model N/A
24 McKenzie 2004 [35] Community Organizing and Building Model as outlined by McKenzie & Smeltzer (2001). Mckenzie and Smeltzer used a model with 10 steps to bring behaviour change in the targeted population. Those steps were: 1. Recognizing the concern, 2. Gaining entry into the community, 3. Organizing the people, 4. Assessing the community, 5. Determining the priorities and setting the goals, 6. Arriving at a solution and selecting an intervention, 7. Implementing the plan, 8. Evaluating the outcomes of the plan of action, 9. Maintaining the outcomes in the community, 10. Looping back Model N/A
25 Parker 2010 [21] Community capacity framework (Freudenberg 2004, Goodman et al. 1998) Community organisers were hired to work with community groups. Interviews with key stakeholders were conducted to prioritise major areas upon which to focus their community capacity-building efforts. Education and data to community members and policy makers were provided to understand the potential health implications of the proposed projects. Model Authors has discussed about capacity building among community members.
26 Perry 2000 [22] Collective Impact; Community Action Behavioural model to change community efficacy and norms through market and policy levers. Use community organising process. Community listening, community action teams, Action plans, execution of action plan in community Process The members of the teams were a small percentage of the entire intervention cohort, and so this direct empowerment opportunity was not experienced by most of the cohort. The purpose of these interviews was to identify each community’s social, economic, and power structures; determine both the community’s and the interviewee’s interest in reducing high school students’ access to alcohol; determine how the problem was perceived in the community;
and build a broad base of support for future actions.
27 Poole 1997 [23] Collective Impact; Other: Community Health Planning Committee Community organising-not collective impact- Process: Action structures, Community Problem-Solving Process, Process To ensure that solving local problems is a shared responsibility, all Metro Commission projects are community partnerships. This reflects the organization’s philosophy that local needs are community owned, and that meeting them is a shared responsibility, not the responsibility of any one sector or service entity.
28 Rask 2015 [24] Community organising process The community organising process consists of five phases: community assessment, coalition building, strategic planning, action, and sustainability. Framework N/A
29 Ross 2011 [25] Community-based participatory research PYD and SJYD are used in the context of CBPR to ensure that the youth are actively involved in the initiative, that their needs and perspectives are taken into account, and that the initiative promotes social justice and addresses health disparities among marginalised youth. By using PYD and SJYD in CBPR, the initiative is able to create a sense of ownership, investment, and empowerment among the youth while also addressing the social and economic determinants of health and reducing health disparities among marginalised youth. The article concludes that PYD and SJYD can be an effective approach for engaging marginalised youth in long-term tobacco control initiatives. Framework Shared power. The youth’s research and action on this issue inspired key decision makers, including a city councillor, the director of the city’s Tobacco Control Program, the city’s director of Public Health, and a state senator to embrace the youth’s cause by developing new policies and ordinances.
30 Salem 2005 [26] MAPP model Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP). 1. Organise for success- partnership development, 2. Visioning 3. Four MAPP assessments 4. Identify strategic issues 5. Formulate goals and strategies, 6. Action (plan, implement, evaluate) Framework Develop coalitions-developing community voices by working with the
alderman to ensure that community residents are able to share their concerns
31 Santilli 2016 [27] Community organizing principles Worked closely with community residents and community-based organisations to develop trust partnerships and to gain deep knowledge of history, norms and leadership. Before the survey, community organisers were hired, letters were emailed, conducted one-on-one meetings with community members and based on a well-established relationship with the local press, a press conference was held. Community youth volunteers were trained for data collection and survey methods and analysed data were disseminated to the community. Process N/A
32 Saxon 2021 [28] Ganz’s community-organizing model In the study, community organizing was narrow down to four central components, (1) Building relationships, (2) Telling the story, (3) Devising strategy and (4) Catalysing action Model Research has shown that participating in community organizing tends to give people more ownership over local issues.
33 Subica 2016 [29] Alinsky-style organising (also known as IAF style organising) Community organizing–based health promotion consists of grassroots movements (interventions) that raise
individuals’ collective capacity to control their social and
built environments by advocating for public policies that
balance decision-making power and resource distribution toward health equity
Community grants, the article describes a community organizing approach that is grounded in CBPR principles and uses a variety of methods to engage community members in the identification, prioritization, and addressing of health issues. The study used a mixed-methods approach to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach and gather feedback from community members on acceptability. Framework N/A
34 Tataw 2020 [30] Conceptual framework that combines organizing theory and horizontal participatory approaches The program used the integrated framework of explanatory, change and organising theories for the community health improvement plan life cycle in three stages: health problems clarification; organising; issue prioritisation, and program activities Framework N/A
35 Wagenaar 1999 [31] Community organizing approach Intervention community followed an organizing process that included seven stages, 1. Assessing the community, 2. Creating a core leadership group, 3. Developing a plan of action, 4. Building a mass base of support, 5. Implementing the action plan, 6. Maintaining the organization and institutionalizing change, 7. Evaluating changes Framework Used power mapping for the data collection, became familiar with the demographics of their communities,
the power relationships within the community.
36 Wagoner 2010 [32] Community organising conceptual model A full-time community organiser was hired who was familiar with substance abuse prevention, knowledge of environmental approaches to health behaviour change, and had experience in community organising. In-depth interviews of an average 60 min were conducted among community organising members. All interviews were audio-recorded and non-verbal reactions were recorded by a note taker. Data were analysed and presented. Model Assessed both the problem of alcohol use and the power dynamics of their campus
37 Weeks 2013 [33] Community empowerment, social ecology, social learning, innovation diffusion. Community engagement approach using various theories. Community action advisory board (CAAB), CAAB mobilisation and capacity building. It used a multiple case study design, which allowed the authors to gain a more in-depth understanding of the issues related to creating CAABs in different contexts. The use of both interviews and document review also allowed the authors to triangulate data and strengthen the reliability of the findings. Framework Authors approached the CAAB training recognizing that members were grassroots “experts” and “leaders” in key areas of HIV/STIs prevention, women’s health and empowerment and community health needs.
38 Zanoni 2011 [34] Community organising with a focus on power Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) hired an organiser (parents with children in community school) to communicate and lead the discussion on youth obesity and overweight with community participants through outreach activities. Parents received the training for the semi structured interview, documenting and reporting. Based on the results action plan was developed Process One of the parents/teachers internalised the risk of obesity in her daughter after looking at the program module and developed many activities for her students to prevent obesity. Parents are the main persons who will observe and change their children’s habits