Environmental concern |
I am concerned about the state of the world environment and how it will affect my future. |
I am concerned that humanity is overusing the environment. |
I am concerned about the disastrous consequences of human destruction of nature. |
Environmental knowledge |
I have more knowledge about environmental issues than an average person. |
I have the knowledge about the eco-friendly labels used on product packages. |
I am very knowledgeable about environmental and social issues. |
I feel I can help solve natural resource problem by conserving water and energy. |
I can protect the environment by buying green products |
I think there are many things I can do to protect the environment. |
Eco label credibility |
I trust eco-friendly labels. |
I trust producers of the products with eco labels. |
I trust the store personnel that sells me green products. |
I trust products with eco labels. |
I trust that eco-friendly labels are recognized by government agencies or experts. |
Ease of purchase |
Purchasing eco-friendly products is very cumbersome. |
It is more convenient to buy something that is not eco-friendly than to buy eco-friendly products. |
It is not easy to see eco-friendly products in the store where I usually shop. |
Purchase intention |
I am committed to buying green products. |
My willingness to buy eco-friendly products is high. |
I will pay more for a product that has more environmental benefits. |
Purchase behavior |
I have been purchasing green products at a regular basis. |
When I have a choice between two equal products, I purchase the one less harmful to other people and the environment. |