The most involved mutated gene in all types of cancers, but also in SCCs [18].
TP53 gene encodes p53 protein which plays a vital role in cell cycle.
Even though mutations in TP53 gene appears early in the evolution of SCCs, they cannot represent the sole mutation needed for cancerous progression [19].
Loss of function of NOTCH gene represents a premature sign of the conversion of healthy keratinocytes to their precancerous version [12,20].
Mutation of NOTCH genes has been found in both SCCs and dermoscopy-free dysplastic lesions that has been chronically exposed to sun, thus suggesting that NOTCH mutation can be considered a trademark for UV-damaged keratinocytes [21,22].
RAS mutation is characteristic for cSCCs developed in patients treated with Vemurafenib, a B-Raf inhibitor [23].
It is a rare spontaneous mutation in cSCCs [20,24].
It encodes p16INK4a and p14ARF, which have the role of tumor-suppressor proteins [25].
p16INK4a inhibits cyclin D-dependent kinases in a direct manner, leading to the activation of retinoblastoma protein (RB) [26].
p14ARF isolates Mdm2 inside the nucleolus, preventing its interaction with p53 [27,28].
Mutation of CDKN2A plays an important role in both the appearance of AKs and the evolution of AKs to SCC [29]
PIK3CA mutations were found in almost half of the cohort in a study, including AKs and SCCs, while in another cohort involving head and neck SCCs, ⅓ was found [24].
Tirbanibulin 1% ointment is used in the topical treatment of AKs with good efficacy, being based on a Src kinase inhibitor that acts on inhibiting PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase) [30].
It is considered to be part of the “UVB signature” [17].
It encodes a kinetochore protein that leads to the disruption of chromatin cohesion and, thus, aneuploidy and tumorigenesis [24].
CARD11 gene encodes a protein that scaffolds the role of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) [32].
CARD11 mutations are found in UV-exposed skin and in the skin surrounding cSCC, and they have a role in the progression from normal to cancerous keratinocytes [33].
It encodes a tumor suppressor molecule with a VHS site, a GAT site, and multiple tyrosine phosphorylation domains [34].
Src-family tyrosine kinase (SFK) phosphorylation of the above molecule leads to limitation of keratinocyte proliferation and engagement in keratinocyte differentiation [34].
Both SCCISs and SCCs are associated with reduced SRCASM levels and a raised activity of SFKs [35,36].