(A) Heatmap of differentially expressed genes between
Arid1bfl/fl VavCre and VavCre secondary recipient whole BM
leukemia cells. Color scale for heatmaps correspond to the gene(row) Z-score.
(B) Top 10 overrepresented transcription factor motifs within the top
differentially up regulated genes (+1.5 log fold change; adj. p<0.05) (C)
Venn diagram showing overlap between significant differentially expressed genes
(+/−1.5 fold change; adj. p<0.05) identified in the
Arid1bfl/fl VavCre RNA-seq and peaks called in ARID1B MOLM13
CUT&Tag. (D) Heatmap of differentially expressed genes between
Arid1bfl/fl MxCre and MxCre secondary recipient whole BM leukemia
cells. Color scale for heatmaps correspond to the gene(row) Z-score. (E) Top 10
overrepresented transcription factor motifs within the top differentially up
regulated genes (+1.5 log fold change; adj. p<0.05) (F) Venn diagram
showing overlap between significant differentially expressed genes
(+/−1.5 fold change; adj. p<0.05) identified in the
Arid1bfl/fl MxCre RNA-seq and peaks called in ARID1B MOLM13
CUT&Tag. (G) IGV tracks of ARID1B CUT&Tag in MOLM13 cells at the ETV4
promoter locus. Yellow indicates ChIP-qPCR amplicon in H. (H) ChIP-RTqPCR of
ARID1B or IgG control in MOLM13 cells. p-value *< 0.05, **<0.01,
ns, not significant, un-paired, parametric t-test, error bars indicate s.d. (I)
Venn diagram showing overlap of the significant differentially expressed genes
(+/−1.5 fold change, adj. p<0.05) between Arid1b VavCre and Arid1b
MxCre. (J) MLL-AF9 colony formation of wildtype cas9 expressing MLL-AF9 single
cell clone (left) and Arid1bfl/flVavCre+ MLL-AF9 cells
from secondary transplant recipient in methylcellulose transduced with Renilla
(control) or CRISPR guides targeting the ETS domain of Etv536. Colonies were counted 7 days after
plated (week 1) followed by replating (week 2). p-value *< 0.05,
***<0.001, ns, not significant, two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons,
error bars indicate s.d. (K) Model. Prominent transcription factor networks
regulated by Arid2 and Arid1b in MLL-AF9 leukemogenesis. Boxed transcription
factors are bound by Arid2 and Arid1b respectively.