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. 2023 Mar 25;15(7):1592. doi: 10.3390/nu15071592

Table 1.

Alcohol consumption categories and outcomes in 12 publications from 11 cohort studies.

Author, Country, Year, Age, Sex Alcohol Consumption
(Representative g/Day)
N Outcomes Covariates
PHS [32] ≤1 drink/week (0.0) 4259 eGFR * < 55 Age, BMI, hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, CVD, smoking, physical activity, parental CVD, RCT assignment
USA, 2005 2–4 drinks/week (6.0) 2582
Age 5–6 drinks/week (11.0) 1474
Men ≥7 drinks/week (16.8) 2708
Yamagata [33] Never drinkers (0.0) 88,934 † eGFR < 60 Age, BMI, hypertension, IGT, diabetes, TCHO, HDL-C, TG, proteinuria, hematuria, smoking
Japan, 2007 Occasional drinkers (5.0) 10,036 †
Age ≥ 40 years Ethanol < 20 g/day (10.0) 22,112 †
Men & women Ethanol > 20 g/day (24.0) 2632 †
ILSA [34]
Italy, 2011
Age 65–84 years
Men & women
Abstainers (0.0) 615 ‡ eGFR < 60 Age, BMI, hypertension, diabetes, TCHO, hyperlipidemia, fibrinogen, smoking, education level
Former 673 ‡
<12 g/day (6.0) 819 ‡
12–24 g/day (18.0) 665 ‡
25–47 g/day (36.0) 413 ‡
≥48 g/day (57.6) 219 ‡
Nagai [35]
Japan, 2013
Age ≥40 years
Men §
Non-drinkers (0.0) 26,232 Proteinuria ≥ 1+ Age, BMI, hypertensin, diabetes, TCHO, HDL-C, TG, eGFR, smoking
Occasional drinkers (5.0) 12,019
Ethanol <20 g/day (10.0) 39,135
Ethanol >20 g/day (24.0) 4468
Kansai Healthcare [36]
Japan, 2014
40–55 years
Non-drinkers (0.0) 1390 eGFR < 60 Age, BMI, SBP, DBP, FPG, smoking, leisure-time physical activity
0.1–23.0 g/day (11.5) 3914
23.1–46.0 g/day (34.5) 2895
46.1–69.0 g/day (57.5) 811
≥69.1 g/day (82.9) 102
Netherlands, 2015
Age 28–75 years
Men & women
No/rare drinkers (0.0) 1285 UAE > 30
eGFR < 60
Age, sex, height, weight, SBP, hypertension, insulin resistance, diabetes, TCHO/HDL-C, hyperlipidemia, CVD, smoking, education level, parental CKD
<10 g/week (0.7) 860
10–69.9 g/week (5.7) 1949
70–210 g/week (20.0) 1121
>210 g/week (36.0) 261
Kansai Healthcare [38]
Japan, 2016
Age 40–55 years
Non-drinkers (0.0) 1397 Proteinuria ≥ 1+ Age, BMI, hypertension, FPG, eGFR, smoking, leisure-time physical activity
0.1–23.0 g/day (11.5) 3929
23.1–46.0 g/day (34.5) 2909
46.1–69.0 g/day (57.5) 816
≥69.1 g/day (82.9) 103
Kimura [20]
Japan, 2018
Age 40–75 years
Men & women
Rare drinkers (0.0) 57,042 Proteinuria ≥ 1+ Age, BMI, MAP, hypertension, HbA1c, diabetes, HDL-C, dyslipidemia, eGFR, CVD, smoking
Occasional drinkers (5.0) 57,593
≤19 g/d (10.0) 20,818
20–39 g/day (30.0) 27,817
40–59 g/day (50.0) 11,098
≥60 g/day (72.0) 3204
Park [19]
Korea, 2019
Age 20–80 years
Men & women
No drinkers (0.0) 7,245,632 Proteinuria ≥ 1+
eGFR < 60
Age, BMI, SBP, hypertension, FPG, diabetes, HDL-C, TG, eGFR, smoking, regular exercise
<10 g/day (5.0) 3,402,518
10–19.9 g/day (15.0) 1,623,400
20–39.9 g/day (30.0) 1,361,836
≥40 g/day (48.0) 557,492
ARIC [39]
USA, 2020
Age 45–64 years
Men & women
Never drinkers (0.0) 3118 eGFR < 60 with eGFR decline > 30% Age, sex, race-center, BMI, hypertension, diabetes, eGFR, smoking, physical activity, energy intake, education level, income, health insurance
Former drinkers 2239
≤1 drink/week (1.0) 2960
2–7 drinks/week (9.0) 2592
8–14 drinks/week (22.0) 1029
≥15 drinks/week (36.0) 754
PROMISE [40] Infrequent drinkers (0.0) 6199 Proteinuria ≥ 1+
eGFR < 60
Age, sex, BMI, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, eGFR, smoking
Japan, 2021 <20 g/day (10.0) 3157
Age 20–74 years 20–39 g/day (30.0) 1162
Men & women ≥40 g/day (48.0) 657
Tanaka [21] No (0.0) 11,369 Proteinuria ≥ 1+
eGFR < 60 with eGFR decline > 25%
Age, BMI, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, CVD, eGFR, smoking
Japan, 2022 <23 g/day (11.5) 8289
Age 20–80 years 23–46 g/day (34.5) 5007
Men & women ≥46 g/day (55.2) 2123

BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DBP, diastolic blood pressure, eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate (mL/min/1.73 m2); FPG, fasting plasma glucose; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; HDL-C, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance; MAP, mean arterial pressure; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TCHO, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; UAE, urinary albumin excretion (mg/day). * GFR (mL/min) estimated using the Cockcroft-Gault equation. Including 35,491 men and 71,298 women with eGFR of ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and 5521 men and 11,454 women with eGFR of <60 mL/min/1.73 m2. Including 886 men and 653 women with eGFR ≥ 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and 355 men and 507 women with eGFR of <60 mL/min/1.73 m2. § Women were excluded from the present meta-analysis because hazard ratio of women with ethanol >20 g/day was not reported in women.