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. 2023 Mar 29;616(7956):357–364. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05870-7

Extended Data Fig. 1. Analysis of PVC length and gene regulation.

Extended Data Fig. 1

a, Workflow for PVC production in E. coli. The PVC locus was synthesized de novo and cloned into two separate plasmids: a structural/accessory plasmid (pPVC) containing pvc1-16 and a payload/regulatory plasmid (pPayload) containing payloads to be delivered (Pdp1/Pnf) along with several genes thought to regulate PVC gene expression (PAU_RS16570-RS24015). b, Comparison of PVC length distributions from this manuscript and from a previous work9. A representative TEM image (with ROIs used to measure PVC lengths highlighted yellow) is also shown. Scale bar, 200 nm. c, HHpred/Pfam annotation of putative PVC regulatory genes (PAU_RS16570-RS24015). At least one gene (PAU_RS16560) contains a predicted domain known to be involved in gene regulation (LysR-type transcriptional regulator domain). d, Bulk protein yields after purification (from 500 mL of bacterial culture) with or without PAU_RS16570-RS24015. A roughly 100-fold increase in protein yield was observed when these genes were included alongside pvc1-16. Values are mean ± s.d. with n = 3 biologically independent reiterations of the purification procedure. e, SDS–PAGE gel depicting the results of purification with or without PAU_RS16570-RS24015, confirming the result from (d). f, TEM images depicting the results of purification with or without PAU_RS16570-RS24015, further confirming the result from (d), and indicating the resulting payload-deficient particles still retain a canonical structure. Scale bar, 200 nm. g, RT-qPCR analysis of PVC expression with or without PAU_RS16570-RS24015. No significant depletion of mRNA levels for pvc1-16 were observed in cells lacking PAU_RS16570-RS24015, indicating these genes do not play a straightforward role as transcriptional regulators for this locus. Values are mean with n = 3 separate qPCR wells for each condition. h, Western blot against a structural PVC component (Pvc12) in the unpurified bacterial culture as well as a purified sample. A Pvc12 band was observed in bacteria lacking PAU_RS16570-RS24015, demonstrating these genes are not necessary for the expression of at least one PVC structural protein. This may suggest PAU_RS16570-RS24015 affect the assembly (rather than expression) of PVC particles.

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