Extended Data Fig. 1. Analysis of PVC length and gene regulation.
a, Workflow for PVC production in E. coli. The PVC locus was synthesized de novo and cloned into two separate plasmids: a structural/accessory plasmid (pPVC) containing pvc1-16 and a payload/regulatory plasmid (pPayload) containing payloads to be delivered (Pdp1/Pnf) along with several genes thought to regulate PVC gene expression (PAU_RS16570-RS24015). b, Comparison of PVC length distributions from this manuscript and from a previous work9. A representative TEM image (with ROIs used to measure PVC lengths highlighted yellow) is also shown. Scale bar, 200 nm. c, HHpred/Pfam annotation of putative PVC regulatory genes (PAU_RS16570-RS24015). At least one gene (PAU_RS16560) contains a predicted domain known to be involved in gene regulation (LysR-type transcriptional regulator domain). d, Bulk protein yields after purification (from 500 mL of bacterial culture) with or without PAU_RS16570-RS24015. A roughly 100-fold increase in protein yield was observed when these genes were included alongside pvc1-16. Values are mean ± s.d. with n = 3 biologically independent reiterations of the purification procedure. e, SDS–PAGE gel depicting the results of purification with or without PAU_RS16570-RS24015, confirming the result from (d). f, TEM images depicting the results of purification with or without PAU_RS16570-RS24015, further confirming the result from (d), and indicating the resulting payload-deficient particles still retain a canonical structure. Scale bar, 200 nm. g, RT-qPCR analysis of PVC expression with or without PAU_RS16570-RS24015. No significant depletion of mRNA levels for pvc1-16 were observed in cells lacking PAU_RS16570-RS24015, indicating these genes do not play a straightforward role as transcriptional regulators for this locus. Values are mean with n = 3 separate qPCR wells for each condition. h, Western blot against a structural PVC component (Pvc12) in the unpurified bacterial culture as well as a purified sample. A Pvc12 band was observed in bacteria lacking PAU_RS16570-RS24015, demonstrating these genes are not necessary for the expression of at least one PVC structural protein. This may suggest PAU_RS16570-RS24015 affect the assembly (rather than expression) of PVC particles.