Fig. 4. A mesencephalic nucleus coactive with the claustrum during REMP.
a, Position of three recording probes (Neuropixels): red and blue in the claustrum; green in the posterior midbrain. b, Transverse section at the posterior edge of the midbrain (dark-field image). The probe-tip position is visible in red (DiI fluorescence). Scale bar, 250 μm. c, Immunostaining of midbrain sections at levels corresponding to that in b. Note large-celled GABAergic (Vgat+) and Pvalb+ nucleus (Imc). d, Fluorescent Nissl stain (blue) of a horizontal section of the Pogona midbrain (only the right hemisphere is shown). Note the Imc and its cholinergic partner, the nucleus Ipc. A neurobiotin injection labelled large cell bodies characteristic of the Imc (red). OT, optic tectum. Scale bars, 500 μm (left); 200 μm (right). See also Extended Data Fig. 6. e, Recordings from ipsilateral claustrum (blue) and midbrain Imc (green) during three sleep cycles. Note the activity of the Imc during REMP. f, Magnification of a small section of the first REMP cycle in e (LFP filtered, 100 Hz). Note the very close correspondence of the two traces. g, Left, further magnification of a section of the grey shaded section of the record in f, revealing a time lag. Right, superimposed sweeps of ipsilateral Imc (green) and contralateral claustrum (red) triggered on 100 claustrum SNs (blue), and their averages (thick lines). h, Each Imc negative potential coincides with a short burst of spiking activity in Imc neurons. i, Distributions of peak-correlation lags between left and right claustra (top); between left claustrum and left Imc (middle); and between left claustrum and right Imc (bottom). j, Activity of the Imc during a REMP cycle is strongest when the ipsilateral claustrum leads. Middle, cross-correlation between left and right claustra. Bottom, cross-correlation between right claustrum and left Imc. k, Imc units on both sides of the midbrain show antagonistic activity during REMP. Left claustrum activity (beta power; blue) is strongest when the ipsilateral Imc is active (green).