Fig. 2. Investigation of the formation process of LVD-HUVEC tissues featured with dense package and tubular structures.
a Schematic illustration of cells/hydrogel self-assembly into tubular structure directed by microchannels. b The sequential steps of LVD self-assembly of HUVECs (magenta)/fibrin hydrogel (cyan) in branch channel. c The randomly distributed cells/fibrin transformed into continuous and interconnected tubular structures. d The change of the cross-sectional area fraction of the cells/fibrin hydrogel relative to the channel. n = 4 independent samples. e Average Young’s modulus of LVD tissues postseeding and at day 2. n = 3 independent samples. The microstructure of fibrin hydrogel fibers in LVD (f) and control (g) tissues, and corresponding histogram showing the quantitative fiber alignment relative to the preferred fiber orientation (h). i Schematic illustration summarizing five stages of LVD tissue formation. Data are represented as mean values ± standard deviation. The significant difference is determined by unpaired two-tailed t-test, 95% confidence interval. ***p < 0.001.