Figure 2.
Infant stool microbiomes show no distinct clustering based on maternal vaginal CST: Principal component analysis of cpn60 stool microbiome profiles from 10-day (A) and 3-month (B) -old infants grouped by canonical maternal vaginal CSTs. No significant clustering was observed at 10-days (pairwise PERMANOVA, F = ¾1.77, R2 = ¾1.76, P = ‗0.13) or 3-months (F = ¾2.07, R2 = ¾3.41, P = ‗0.06). (C–E) Correspondence analysis of maternal vaginal CSTs (16 clusters) and infant stool clusters from 10-day-old infants, grouped by elective caesarean (C), emergency caesarean (D) or vaginal delivery (E).