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. 2022 Nov 17;31(2):303–319. doi: 10.1002/erv.2958


Baseline characteristics of primary care (PC) centres and participants by study arm

Mindful eating + TAU (n = 41) TAU alone (n = 35) TOTAL (n = 76)
PC centre characteristics k = 2 k = 2 k = 4
Socioeconomic status, mean in € (SD) 10,959 (796.20) 10,090.50 (907.22) 10,524.75 (858.54)
Patients assisted per year, mean (SD) 16,776.50 (9017.73) 16,690 (8821.86) 16,733.25 (7283.60)
Percentage of immigrant population, mean (SD) 12.44 (2.04)s 11.50 (7.78) 11.97 (4.67)
Index of dependency, mean (SD) 49.15 (3.34) 49.94 (11.50) 49.55 (6.93)
Participant sociodemographic characteristics
Sex, n (%)
Females 24 (58.5%) 24 (68.6%) 48 (63.2%)
Males 17 (41.5%) 11 (31.4%) 28 (36.8%)
Age, mean (SD 58.00 (6.65) 59.09 (8.60) 58.50 (7.58)
Marital status, n (%)
Single 5 (12.2%) 2 (5.7%) 7 (9.2%)
Married 32 (78%) 26 (74.3%) 58 (76.3%)
Divorced 2 (4.9%) 4 (11.4%) 6 (7.9%)
Widowed 2 (4.9%) 2 (5.7%) 4 (5.3%)
Other 0 (0%) 1 (2.9%) 1 (1.3%)
Education level, n (%)
None 0 (0%) 2 (5.7%) 2 (2.6%)
Primary 24 (58.5%) 15 (42.9%) 39 (51.3%)
Secondary 13 (31.7%) 14 (40%) 27 (35.5%)
University 4 (9.8%) 4 (11.4%) 8 (10.5%)
Employment status, n (%)
Employed 14 (34.1%) 13 (37.1%) 27 (35.5%)
Self‐employed 1 (2.4%) 2 (5.7%) 3 (3.9%)
Sick leave 1 (2.4%) 1 (2.9%) 2 (2.6%)
Unemployed with subsidy 2 (4.9%) 0 (0%) 2 (2.6%)
Unemployed without subsidy 2 (4.9%) 2 (5.7%) 4 (5.3%)
Housekeeper 8 (19.5%) 7 (20%) 15 (19.7%)
Retired 9 (22%) 10 (28.6%) 19 (25%)
Permanent inability 4 (9.8%) 0 (0%) 4 (5.3%)
Participant clinical characteristics
DEBQ, mean (SD)
Emotional eating 2.65 (0.87) 1.97 (0.66) 2.34 (0.85)
External eating 2.89 (0.66) 2.36 (0.59) 2.64 (0.68)
Restrained eating 2.73 (0.60) 2.56 (0.80) 2.64 (0.71)
BITE, mean (SD)
Symptoms 7.38 (5.96) 5.49 (4.33) 6.49 (5.32)
Severity 2.78 (1.79) 2.57 (1.67) 2.78 (1.73)
Frequency of binging (item 27) 2.35 (1.42) 1.97 (1.40) 2.17 (1.42)
EAT‐26, mean (SD)
Dieting 7.93 (5.92) 10.00 (5.91) 8.89 (5.96)
Bulimia and food preoccupation 1.33 (1.80) 1.80 (2.41) 1.55 (2.11)
Oral control 2.15 (2.23) 3.00 (2.61) 2.55 (2.43)
GAD‐7, mean (SD) 3.49 (4.51) 4.00 (3.96) 3.72 (4.24)
PHQ‐9, mean (SD) 4.00 (5.34) 2.89 (2.45) 3.49 (4.27)
Participant physiological parameters
Weight, mean in kg (SD) 89.59 (16.83) 83.89 (14.59) 86.96 (15.99)
Height, mean in cm (SD) 164.71 (10.31) 163.63 (8.21) 164.21 (9.36)
Waist circumference, mean in cm (SD) 108.68 (20.96) 100.49 (13.31) 104.85 (18.16)
BMI, mean (SD) 32.93 (4.39) 31.32 (4.86) 32.19 (4.65)
Blood test markers
Cholesterol, mean in mg/dL (SD) 197.82 (37.43) 211.34 (34.41) 204.00 (36.46)
HDL, mean in mg/dL (SD) 55.00 (13.27) 53.91 (10.88) 54.49 (12.14)
LDL, mean in mg/dL (SD) 118.22 (31.60) 134.41 (27.43) 125.72 (30.62)
Triglycerides, mean in mg/dL (SD) 122.76 (60.06) 131.59 (66.32) 126.80 (62.69)
Alanine aminotransferase, mean in U/L (SD) 23.05 (15.58) 21.13 (10.83) 22.17 (13.56)
Glucose, mean in mg/dL (SD) 99.66 (15.17) 108.31 (40.51) 103.61 (29.66)
Glycated haemoglobin, mean in % (SD) 7.06 (0.83) 6.88 (0.89) 6.96 (0.84)
Vital signs, mean in mmHg (SD)
DBP 82.95 (7.21) 81.83 (12.74) 82.43 (10.08)
SBP 135.39 (13.83) 140.46 (24.37) 137.72 (19.43)

Abbreviations: HDL, high‐density lipoprotein; LDL, low‐density lipoprotein.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure