Activation of complement terminal and alternative pathways is related to systemic inflammatory response after trauma in battlefield casualties. Inflammatory factors and cytokines were measured by ELISA and by Bio‐Plex kits, respectively. Positive correlation between plasma concentrations of C5a in the trauma patients and IL‐6 (a), MCP‐1 (b), and MPO (c) in the blood plasma of the patients on admission. Positive correlation of plasma levels of C5b‐9 on admission with IL‐6 (d), MCP‐1 (e), and MPO (f) in the injured patients on admission. Plasma concentration of bb on admission positively correlated with IL‐6 (g), MCP‐1 (h), and MPO (i), whereas the plasma levels of C4d on admission inversely correlated with IL‐1β (j), IL‐17 (k), and TNF‐α (l). Correlation analysis between complement factors (C5a, C5b‐9, bb and C4d) and inflammatory factors/cytokines were performed by using Spearman's rank correlation. Data are shown as individual values with the correlation coefficient (rs). Significant correlations (P < 0.05) are indicated by boldface type.