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. 2023 Mar 23;11(2):e04145-22. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.04145-22


Enzyme lineages included in the phylogenetic analysis, their function and cellular localization, and the amino acids that coordinate the Mo/W liganda

Mo/W-bisPGD catalytic subunit(s) (abbreviation[s]) MopB family lineage(s) Substrate(s) Function(s) Cellular localization Mo/W ligand Reference(s)
Formyl-methanofuran dehydrogenase subunit B (FwdB/FmdB) FwdB/FmdB and FhcB (?) CO2 Reduces CO2 to formate in hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis Cytoplasm Sec/Cys 141, 142
Formyltransferase/hydrolase subunit B (FhcB) FwdB/FmdB and FhcB (?) None FhcB serves as a scaffold for the catalytic subunits FhcA and FhcD; the Fhc complex generates formate from formyl-H4MPT during growth on 1-carbon compounds Cytoplasm Lacks Mo/W-bisPGD 32
Formate dehydrogenase N subunit G (FdhG) FdhG HCOO−1 Oxidizes formate to CO2 as an electron donor in anaerobic respiration Periplasm Sec/Cys 143 145
NAD-dependent formate dehydrogenase Cytoplasmic formate dehydrogenases CO2 Reduces CO2 to formate during acetogenesis Cytoplasm Sec/Cys 146, 147
F420-dependent formate dehydrogenase Cytoplasmic formate dehydrogenases HCOO−1 Oxidizes formate to CO2 during hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis Cytoplasm Sec/Cys 148, 149
Formate hydrogen lyase (FdhH) Cytoplasmic formate dehydrogenases HCOO−1 Oxidizes excess formate to carbon dioxide during fermentative growth Cytoplasm Sec/Cys 150
NAD+ reducing formate dehydrogenase subunit A Cytoplasmic formate dehydrogenases HCOO−1 Oxidizes excess formate to CO2 during aerobic growth Cytoplasm Cys 151
NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 3 (Nqo3) NAD- and F420-dependent Fdhs, FdhH, and FdsA (?) NADH Transfers electrons from NADH to the quinone pool during aerobic respiration Cytoplasm Lacks Mo/W-bisPGD 28
Assimilatory nitrate reductase catalytic subunits (NasC, NasA, and NarB) NasC, NasA, and NarB NO3 Reduce nitrate to nitrite for assimilation into macromolecules Cytoplasm Cys 152 154
Arsenite oxidase catalytic subunit (AioA) AioA and IdrA (?) AsO33− Oxidizes arsenite to arsenate as an electron donor in aerobic respiration and anoxygenic photosynthesis Periplasm No amino acid ligand 155, 156
Iodate reductase catalytic subunit (IdrA) AioA and IdrA (?) IO3 Reduces iodate to iodide as the terminal electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration Periplasm No amino acid ligand 9
Periplasmic nitrate reductase catalytic subunit (NapA) NapA NO3 Reduces nitrate to nitrite and can fulfill various physiological functions, including respiration, redox homeostasis, and assimilation Periplasm Cys 157
Acetylene hydratase (AH) AH (?) C2H2 Hydrates acetylene to acetaldehyde during fermentative growth on acetylene Cytoplasm Cys 27
Haloarchaeal dimethyl sulfoxide reductase catalytic subunit (DmsA) ? (CH3)2SO and (CH3)3NO Reduces DMSO and TMAO to DMS and TMA, respectively, during anaerobic respiration Periplasm Asp 158
Perchlorate reductase catalytic subunit (PcrA) ? ClO4 Reduces perchlorate to chlorite as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration Periplasm Asp 159, 160
Steroid C25 dehydrogenase catalytic subunit (S25dA) DdhA, SerA, and EbdA Steroid C25 Hydroxylates the C25 atom of steroid molecules to yield sterol C25 during the anaerobic degradation of cholesterol Periplasm Asp 161
p-Cymene dehydrogenase catalytic subunit (CmdA) DdhA, SerA, and EbdA p-Cymene Hydroxylates p-cymene to dimethyl(4-isopropylbenzyl) succinate during the anaerobic degradation of this hydrocarbon Periplasm Asp 162
Ethylbenzene dehydrogenase catalytic subunit (EbdA) DdhA, SerA, and EbdA Ethylbenzene Hydroxylates ethylbenzene to (S)-1-phenylethanol during the anaerobic degradation of ethylbenzene Periplasm Asp 163
Respiratory selenate reductase catalytic subunit (SerA) DdhA, SerA, and EbdA SeO42− Reduces selenate to selenite (SeO32−) as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration Periplasm Asp 164
Respiratory chlorate reductase catalytic subunit (ClrA) DdhA, SerA, and EbdA ClO3 Reduces chlorate to chlorite as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration Periplasm Asp 165
Dimethyl sulfide dehydrogenase catalytic subunit (DdhA) DdhA, SerA, and EbdA (CH3)2S Oxidizes DMS to DMSO as an electron donor in either anaerobic respiration or anoxygenic photosynthesis Periplasm Asp 166
Respiratory nitrate reductase catalytic subunit (NarG) NarG NO3 Reduces nitrate to nitrite as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration Periplasm or cytoplasm Asp 167 169
Bacterial dimethyl sulfoxide reductase catalytic subunit DmsA (CH3)2SO, (CH3)3NO, and other S- and N-oxides Reduces DMSO and TMAO to DMS and TMA, respectively, during anaerobic respiration Periplasm Ser 24
Resorcinol hydroxylase catalytic subunit (RhL) ? Resorcinol Hydroxylates the phenolic compound resorcinol to hydroxyhydroquinone as an electron donor in anaerobic respiration Cytoplasm Ser 170
Pyrogallol-phloroglucinol transhydroxylase catalytic subunit (PgtL) ? Pyrogallol Hydroxylates the polyphenolic compound pyrogallol to phloroglucinol during fermentative growth on pyrogallol Cytoplasm Ser 171
Biotin sulfoxide reductase ? Biotin-d-sulfoxide and methionine-S-sulfoxide Converts biotin-d-sulfoxide to d-biotin and methionine-S-sulfoxide to S-methionine so that d-biotin and S-methionine can be recycled as carbon and sulfur sources, respectively Cytoplasm Ser 172
Dimethyl sulfoxide reductase catalytic subunit (DorA) and trimethylamine N-oxide reductase catalytic subunit (TorA) DorA and TorA Various S- and N-oxides, including (CH3)2SO and (CH3)3NO Reduce DMSO to DMS and TMAO to TMA as terminal electron acceptors in anaerobic respiration Periplasm or cytoplasm Ser 173 176
Polysulfide reductase catalytic subunit (PsrA) PsrA, PhsA, and SrrA Sn2− Reduces polysulfides to Sn12− and S2− as terminal electron acceptors in anaerobic respiration Periplasm Cys 177, 178
Thiosulfate reductase catalytic subunit (PhsA) PsrA, PhsA, and SrrA S2O32− Reduces thiosulfate to sulfite (SO32−) and sulfide (S2−) as terminal electron acceptors in anaerobic respiration Periplasm Cys 179, 180
Respiratory selenite reductase catalytic subunit (SrrA) PsrA, PhsA, and SrrA SeO32− Reduces selenite to elemental selenium (Se0) as a terminal electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration Periplasm Cys 181
Archaeal sulfur reductase catalytic subunit (aSreA) ? S0 Reduces elemental sulfur to S2− as a terminal electron acceptor for anaerobic respiration in hyperthermophilic archaea Periplasm Cys 182
Bacterial sulfur reductase catalytic subunit (bSreA) ? S0 Reduces elemental sulfur to S2− as a terminal electron acceptor for anaerobic respiration in hyperthermophilic bacteria Cytoplasm Cys 183
Sulfite oxidase catalytic subunit (SoeA) ? SO32− Oxidizes sulfite to sulfate as an electron donor in anoxygenic photosynthesis Cytoplasm Cys 184
Tetrathionate reductase catalytic subunit (TtrA) TtrA, SrdA, and archaeal arsenate reductase S4O62− Reduces tetrathionate to thiosulfate as a terminal electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration Periplasm Cys 185
Respiratory selenate reductase catalytic subunit (SrdA) TtrA, SrdA, and archaeal arsenate reductase SeO42− Reduces selenate to selenite as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration Periplasm Cys 186
Archaeal arsenate reductase catalytic subunit TtrA, SrdA, and archaeal arsenate reductase AsO43− Reduces arsenate to arsenite (AsO33−) as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration in some archaea Periplasm Cys 187
Arsenite oxidase catalytic subunit (ArxA) ArxA and ArrA AsO33− Oxidizes arsenite to arsenate as an electron donor in anaerobic respiration or anoxygenic photosynthesis Periplasm Cys 188
Respiratory arsenate reductase catalytic subunit (ArrA) ArxA and ArrA AsO43− Reduces arsenate to arsenite as a terminal electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration Periplasm Cys 189, 190
Alternative complex III subunit B (ActB) PsrA, PhsA, and SrrA (?) Unknown ActB possibly functions to transfer electrons from the ActA and ActE subunits to the menaquinol-oxidizing ActC subunit during aerobic respiration Periplasm Lacks Mo/W-bisPGD 31

Shown are all of the enzyme families and subfamilies utilized in our phylogenetic analyses; their physiological functions, substrates (if known) and cellular localizations; and the amino acid ligands that position the Mo/W-bisPGD cofactor (if present). Boldface type indicates that the family or subfamily has never been subjected to rigorous phylogenetic analysis. Question marks show that the position of the family or subfamily within the superfamily is unknown or hypothetical. TMA is trimethyl amine.