Both fields tackle both low-level (e.g., orientation and color) and high-level (e.g., faces, objects, and scenes) perception; primarily high-level examples are given here. (A) Depicts paradigms used in conscious visual perception studies: i) Threshold-level perception, where the same stimulus, when repeatedly presented at the perceptual threshold, triggers different perceptual outcomes on different trials. ii) Bistable perception, triggered by ambiguous figures (left) or binocular rivalry (right). iii) Visual backward masking: at a fixed threshold-level stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) (e.g., 80 ms), the target is consciously perceived on some trials and not perceived on other trials. (B) Depicts paradigms used in classic vision studies: i) Object stimuli organized by two cardinal dimensions: animacy (top) and size (left). ii) Pose manipulation of a given object. iii) Stimuli set manipulating category (top row) and low-level properties such as pose, position, size, and background (bottom row). A-ii,iii were adapted with permission from [20, 122] and [112], respectively. B-i,ii,iii were adapted with permission from [123], [116], and [124], respectively.