Impact of NEDD4L-mediated monoubiquitination
on α-synuclein’s
aggregation. Schemes of (A) α-synuclein and (B) quantitative
chemical proteomics used to determine monoubiquitination stoichiometry;
the asterisk denotes 13C-labeled acetyl-NHS. (C) Pie-chart
of the average frequency of monoubiquitination in the MBR (blue),
NAC (gray) and CTR (red) regions of αSyn1–140His (n = 2). Unlike the CTR, the monoubiquitination frequency for the individual
lysine residues of MBR could be deconvoluted, represented by a stacked
bar. (D) Microscopy images of droplets of αSyn1–140 and its monoubiquitinated
counterpart with 10% w/v PEG-8000, represented by circled no. 1 and
2, respectively; the same numbering scheme is used in the remaining
panels. (E) FRAP analysis of freshly prepared and aged condensates
with the solid line and shaded region representing the mean and SD
(n = 3), and blue and red colors for unmodified and
monoubiquitinated αSyn1–140His, respectively. (F) Aggregation of
non- and monoubiquitinated αSyn1–140 studied by ThT assays (n = 2); the same color-scheme as E. (G) Negative-stain EM images of
aggregated samples from F showing fibrils for αSyn1–140His and
amorphous aggregates for its monoubiquitinated moieties. (H) SDS-PAGE
analysis of pre- and postaggregated samples from F. The lack of band
intensity in lane-3 is due to αSyn1–140 fibrillization.