Figure 2.
Geometry and simulation results of the silicon meta-atom. (a) Meta-atom geometrical parameters. (b) Simulated transmission T (blue solid line) and reflection R (red dashed line) of a meta-atom with disk radius r = 0.2 μm. The red (blue) shaded region signifies probe (pump) resonance. (c) Simulated phase due to the meta-atoms at probe wavelength λprobe = 1.31 μm and calculated force experienced by the meta-atoms at pump wavelength λpump = 1.55 μm and pump intensity Ip = 1 μW/μm2, as a function of disk radius r. (d) Numerical simulation of the deformation Δz for meta-atoms in a 1D array in the presence of pump light with Ip = 110 μW/μm2.