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. 2022 Dec 18;4(3):308–315. doi: 10.34067/KID.0005082022

Table 2.

Multivariable Cox proportional hazards model assessing the association between AKI and the development of hospital-acquired sepsis using AKI as a time-varying covariate

Variable Hazard Ratio 95% Confidence Interval P Value Omnibus P Value
AKIa 1.42 1.115 to 1.807 0.004
Admission type b , c 0.001
 Elective 0.736 0.259 to 2.091 0.57
 Emergency 0.602 0.217 to 1.672 0.33
 SDSO Elective 0.271 0.094 to 0.785 0.02
 Urgent 0.673 0.239 to 1.897 0.45
 Missing 0.566 0.198 to 1.618 0.29
Age (yr) 0.986 0.964 to 1.009 0.22
Sex Male 0.733 0.585 to 0.919 0.007
Race d 0.446
 White 0.868 0.632 to 1.191 0.38
 Other 1.106 0.653 to 1.873 0.71
BMI 0.983 0.958 to 1.009 0.20
ePIM2 (severity of illness) score in first 24 h of ICU admission 1.257 1.149 to 1.376 <0.001
History of liver failure 0.902 0.529 to 1.54 0.71
History of heart failure 1.386 0.944 to 2.036 0.10
History of nonkidney solid organ transplant 1.303 0.766 to 2.216 0.33
History of bone marrow transplant 1.618 0.357 to 7.338 0.53
History of seizures/epilepsy 1.041 0.746 to 1.452 0.82
History of malignancy 1.435 0.979 to 2.102 0.06
Surgery before ICU admission 2.669 1.997 to 3.569 <0.001
Exposure to immunosuppressant agents in the 14 days before ICU admission 0.939 0.721 to 1.223 0.64
Leukopeniaa 1.654 1.234 to 2.218 0.001
Moderate or severe neutropeniaa 1.038 0.572 to 1.882 0.90
Indwelling Foley cathetera 1.20 0.92 to 1.565 0.18
Indwelling central linea 2.165 1.64 to 2.858 <0.001

N=4975 patients; 720 patients excluded due to missingness.

SDSO, same say surgery outpatient; BMI, body mass index; ePIM2, electronic pediatric index of mortality 2; ICU, intensive care unit.


Longitudinal time-varying covariate.


Reference category: direct admission.


Admission type categories “outside hospital emergency room to floor transfer” (n=2), “same day surgery transfer to inpatient” (n=4), “same day surgery outpatient transfer urgent” (n=10), and “trauma center” (n=3) are not shown.


Reference category: African American.