Table 2.
Overview research group organization
Recruitment sites a |
Neurohabilitation, Oslo University Hospital Neurohabilitation, Ahus Hospital Nic Waals Institute, Lovisenberg Hospital District Nordstrand, Oslo Municipality District Vestre Aker, Oslo Municipality Emma Hjort, Bærum Municipality Frambu, Competence Centre for Rare Diagnoses |
Project management group |
University of Oslo: -Principal Investigator B. Hassel (prof.); Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; -C. Tronstad (Dr. Philos) KG. Jebsen Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders: -T. Nærland (Ph.D.); -E. Kildal (PhD-cand) -O. Andreassen (prof.); -D. Quintana (PhD); -A. Szabo (PhD) |
Scientific advisory boardb |
Oslo Metropolitan University: C. Morland (PhD) Oslo University Hospital: S. Hope (PhD) Rigshospitalet Copenhagen: A. Sabers |
Patient representativesc |
Bærum Municipality: Chief of care, H. Hesselberg LUPE (national user organization for persons with ID): H. Kvame Cerebral Palsy organization: E. Buschmann |
aSites that have shown interest at start of recruitment per October 2022. bCollaborators within the field, contributing to the quality of the trial and analysis of data. c Representatives, contributing with patient perspective on trial execution and with valuable insights on interpretations of findings