Fig. 2.
Differences in response status by NanoString data. A Volcano plot of singscores based on the three singscore-calculating approaches. The red dots denote gene expression signatures (FDR ≤ 0.05) detailing the top 10 significant signatures. The y-axis is –log10-transformed FDR. The x-axis is the difference in the median singscores between responders and non-responders. B Volcano plot of gene expressions from Advanced Analysis in nSolver4.0. The y-axis is –log10-transformed adjusted p-values. The x-axis is log2-transformed fold change. C The plots based on scores of 25 in-built pathways from Advanced Analysis in nSolver4.0. Each dot represents the centralized average scores in each signature in responders/non-responders. D Heatmap of 30 DEGs with adj. p-values ≤ 0.05 and |log2FC|≥ 1. The color shows the log2(count). E Heatmaps of scores of 13 significant in-built pathways with hierarchical clustering. The color indicates the pathway score