All groups learned to find the platform in the flag test (A). In the
acquisition phase of the Morris water maze task (MWM), the SEDTBI group spent
more time searching for the hidden platform than other groups (B). In the test
phase without the platform, both exercised groups (LV and HV) spent more time in
the quadrant zone than SED groups but the memory performance of HV group was
significantly more pronounced than LV. SEDTBI displayed decrease in the time
spent in the quadrant zone but mice submitted to exercise preconditioning (LVTBI
and HVTBI) showed attenuation of this memory deficit (C). The swimming speed was
similar between groups (D) (n=8 per group). # Denotes statistical difference
from SED. # Denotes statistical difference from SED and LV groups. * Denotes
significant difference from other groups. Abbreviations: LV, lower
exercise volume; HV, higher volume; SED, sedentary; OxPhos, oxidative
phosphorylation; TBI, traumatic brain injury.