Figure 4. Correlated activity in the cerebellar-cortical circuit during social behavior.
(A) Illustration of the cerebellar-cortical circuit. PCs provide converging inhibition to DNs that excite thalamic neurons. Thalamic neurons excite ACC neurons. (B) Simultaneously recorded calcium traces from 9 ACC neurons and the electrophysiologically recorded firing rate of a single PC (red) during a social interaction epoch. Social interaction bouts are shown as gray bars. (C) Simultaneously recorded calcium traces from 10 ACC neurons (blue) and the electrophysiologically recorded firing rate of a single DN neuron during a social interaction epoch. Social interaction bouts are shown as gray bars. (D-G) Cumulative histogram of the distribution of the correlation coefficients for the activity of (D) Soc+ PCs, (E) Soc– PCs, (F) Soc+ DNs, or (G) Soc– DNs with Soc+ (dark blue), Soc– (light blue), and Socns (blue gray) ACCs. Insets: cumulative histogram of the activity of each set of neurons calculated during periods when the mouse was not engaged in social interaction. (H, I, J, K) Correlation matrix showing percentage of cell pairs showing significant positive (H, J) or negative (I, K) correlations in activity between Soc+ and Soc– PCs (H, I) or Soc+ and Soc– DNs (J, K) with Soc+, Soc– and Socns ACC neurons. The color of the squares represents the proportion of neurons correlated.