Figure 1 |. HAEC transcriptomic profiling discover a heterogenous cell population.
(A), Schematic diagram of the experimental design. ECs were isolated from six human heart transplant donor’s ascending aortic trimmings and treated with IL1B, TGFB2, or siERG (ERG siRNA) for 7 days (B), Weighted Nearest Neighbor UMAP (WNNUMAP) of aggregate cells from all perturbations and donors is shown. Each dot represents a cell, and the proximity between each cell approximates their similarity of both transcriptional and epigenetic profiles. Colors denote cluster membership. (C), The proportion of cells from each donor for each EC subtype. (D), Gene expression across top markers for each cluster including pan EC (ERG), EC1 (KDR), EC2 (TOP2A), and EC4 (COL1A1). (E), Top markers for pan EC (PECAM1, CDH5, ERG), EC1 (KDR, PGF), EC2 (CENPE, TOP2A), EC3 (SEMA3C, ACKR3), EC4 (COL1A1, COL6A1), and EC5 (LRRC17, LAMA2). The size of the dot represents the percentage of cells within each EC subtype that express the given gene, while the shade of the dot represents the level of average expression (“Avg. Expn.” in the legend). (F), Heatmap of pathway enrichment analysis (PEA) results from submitting top 200 differentially expressed genes (DEGs; by ascending p-value) between EC subtypes. Rows (pathways) and columns (EC subtypes) are clustered based on −Log10(P) (G), Violin plots of top Metascape pathway module scores across EC subtypes. Module scores are generated for each cell barcode with Seurat function AddModuleScore().