(A) Numbers of direct targets of MYB and transcriptional inhibitors visualized according to the direction of response to MYB degradation or inhibitor treatment.
(B) Fractional pairwise overlap between the direct transcriptional targets of MYB and inhibitors. Data points reflect fraction of columns overlapping with rows.
(C) Enrichment of MYB targets among the direct targets of transcriptional inhibitors. Bubble size represents the number of overlapping genes.
(D) Visualization of the reconstructed regulatory network, where large nodes represent MYB degron and inhibitors, small nodes represent target genes and edges represent direct regulatory connections. MYB targets and edges are highlighted in purple.
(E) Overlap of the MYB inhibitors among the direct MYB targets, visualized as number of direct MYB targets directly regulated by n inhibitors.
(F) Genes whose transcription rates were affected (SLAM-seq FDR <0.05) by at least one MYB inhibitor but unaffected by targeted MYB degradation (n = 1610) are depicted according to the absolute fold change and unadjusted p-value in the SLAM-seq assay performed after MYB degradation.