Table 1.
Between-group demographic comparisons and patient group clinical profile.
Age (years) |
Sex (% male) |
Handedness (# left/ambi) |
Education (years) |
HC | 63.02 (8.13) | 65 | 3/3 | 15.85 |
PD | 65.95 (8.14) | 71 | 4/3 | 15.14 |
p | 0.067 | 0.434 | 0.863 | 0.615 |
MoCA | UPDRS-III | UPDRS-III Speech (N = 54) |
Hoehn & Yahr (N = 48) |
Years Since Dx (N = 56) |
% Taking DA Agonists (N = 53) |
PD | ||||||
Range | 12–30 | 7–71 | 0–3 | 1–3 | 1–25 | - |
Mean (SD) | 24.44 (3.99) | 32.68 (14.77) | 1.35 (0.83) | 1.96 (0.70) | 6.66 (4.74) | 28.81 |
HC healthy control group, PD Parkinson’s disease group, MoCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, UPDRS-III Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale part III, Dx Diagnosis, DA Dopamine. Unless otherwise indicated, values indicate means and associated parentheticals indicate standard deviations. HC sample N = 65, PD sample N = 59, unless otherwise indicated. P-values indicate significance of between-groups comparisons, using Mann–Whitney U tests and chi-square tests for continuous and categorical variables, respectively.