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. 2022 Mar 15;11(12):2842–2859. doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2022.6575

Table 4. Country-Level Distribution of R&D Payments in 14 European Countries With Self-regulation of R&D Payment Disclosure (2019) .

Countrya,b,c,d Disclosed R&D paymentse
€m (% All Paymentsf) €m Per m Inhabitantsg
UK 435 (70%) 7
Germany 404 (64%) 5
Spain 259 (43%) 6
Belgium 143 (64%) 12
The Netherlandsh 135 (68%) 8
Poland 106 (64%) 3
Sweden 73 (82%) 7
Switzerland 62 (37%) 7
Austria 59 (44%) 7
Finland 25 (63%) 5
Ireland 21 (59%) 4
Romaniai 20 (42%) 1
Norway 13 (68%) 2
Czech Republic N/A (70%) N/A
Total 1766 5

Abbreviations: N/A, not available; R&D, research and development.

aData sources:

  • Austria,126 Germany,127 Poland,128 Spain,129 the Netherlands,130 and Switzerland131 – publicly available national pharmaceutical industry group press releases.
  • Belgium, Ireland, Romania, and the UK –
  • Czech Republic – the EFPIA 2019 Europe-wide summary report.81
  • Finland,132 Norway,133 Sweden,134 – industry trade groups’ response to the stakeholder survey.
  • Romania – a national trade group report93 and individual drug company websites signposted in the report (R&D payments), and (non-R&D payments).
  • When more than one data point existed for a country the data sources were prioritised as follows: information obtained directly from pharmaceutical industry trade groups or public or public-private authorities; information published by national pharmaceutical industry trade groups or extracted from; the 2019 EFPIA Europe-wide report collating data from its member trade groups.81

b In, which provided payment data for Belgium, Ireland, Romania, and the UK, payment values in non-euro currencies were converted to euros using CurrencyConverter,135 a Python library for exchange rates. In all other instances, we used average yearly exchanged rates published by the European Central Bank.136

c Countries are sorted descendingly based on the value of R&D payments.

d The statistics for Belgium and the Netherlands cover both the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries. The statistics for other countries cover the pharmaceutical industry only.

e In countries adopting self-regulation based on EFPIA’s definition of R&D payments, these payments should be related to non-clinical studies, clinical trials, and prospective non-intervention studies.75

f All disclosed payments include R&D and non-R&D payments.

g The population-level data was obtained from a Eurostat news release. The data is reported as of 1st January 2019 in all countries except for Norway, where it is reported as of January 1, 2018.137

h Non-R&D payments reported in the Netherlands do not follow the categories from the EFPIA Code. However, R&D payments are reported consistent with the EFPIA Code, which includes the lack of disclosure on a named basis. This means that R&D payments reported in the Netherlands can be added to R&D payments reported in the other countries. The sum of non-R&D payments reported in the Netherlands was obtained by adding payments made to healthcare professionals or organisations. Therefore, the sum of payments reported in the Netherlands can be compared with the other country sums from the table.

i The exact figures for Romania include €28m (calculated based on data reported in a publicly-run disclosure platform) and €20m of R&D payments (calculated using a pharmaceutical industry trade group report and data from individual drug company websites – see footnote a).