Table 1. Vaccinated and Immunized Population by Region .
Region | Last Update | People Vaccinated Per Hundred | People Fully Vaccinated Per Hundred |
Africa | 06/02/2021 | 1.87 | 00.66 |
Asiaa | 06/02/2021 | 6.16 | 02.31 |
South America | 06/02/2021 | 19.25 | 09.34 |
Europe | 06/02/2021 | 32.36 | 17.47 |
European Unionb | 06/02/2021 | 39.32 | 19.28 |
North and Central America | 06/02/2021 | 37.62 | 26.19 |
North America (Canada, USA) | 06/02/2021 | 52.17 | 38.01 |
aAsia includes all countries part of the continent, as Southeast Asia figures are not detailed separately.
bStatistics from the European Union are shown to emphasize the higher rates in western European countries.