Fig. 3. Properties of LAS-modified perovskite films.
a UV-vis absorption and SSPL spectra of perovskite film without additives (referred as control) and [C4mim]+[C8SO4]− treated perovskite films (referred as target). b TRPL decay curves of control and target films. The dashed lines indicate the background levels. c Pump fluence dependent PL measurements of control and target films. The solid lines represent the best fits obtained with equation (3) in Supplementary Note 6. d, e The c-AFM images of control (d) and target (e) films. f The current-voltage curves of the control and target devices after and before (inset) poling. g UPS and IPES of secondary electron cutoff region, valence and conduction band regions of control and target perovskite films. h Energy levels derived from UPS and IPES spectra.