Fig. 2.
Study 1: transition learning and psychopathology. (a) Correlations between psychopathology dimensions, transdiagnostic factors, and choice behavior. The left plot comprises correlations between psychopathology dimensions (denoted by their associated questionnaire's abbreviation), transdiagnostic factors derived from exploratory factor analysis, and how well participants learned state transitions. We outline in green the two significant associations involving transition learning in the task, and plot the raw data comprising these correlations in the middle and right plots (p < 0.05). (b) Exploratory factor analysis of psychopathology dimensions. Left is the scree plot showing that variance explained plateaus after the first three factors. The eigenvalues for the three components were 16.70, 5.50, and 4.70 for the Negative Distress, Worry, and OC-Fear factors, respectively. The bottom bar plots show the composition of each of these factors in terms of the factor loading of each individual question from all five questionnaires used. Each questionnaire is denoted by a different color. Note, the dataset met both the Bartlett's test of sphericity (p ≤ 0.001) and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test of sampling adequacy (KMO = 0.83). (c) Posterior density plots estimating the effects of the three latent psychopathology factors on transition learning. The black bar denotes the ROPE and the yellow bar the 95% HDI. Only the OC-Fear components has the ROPE entirely outside its HDI. The width of the ROPE was defined as 10% of the standard deviation of the posterior distribution (i.e.±0.01).