Figure 2.
(a) Field dependence of the χM′′ for M‐2 at 2 K in the 0–3000 Oe magnetic field range. b) Magnetic field dependence of the relaxation time (τ) (black dots) with the best fit (full red line) obtained with equation S1. The dashed red, blue and green lines represent the QTM, Raman+Orbach and Direct processes contributions, respectively. c) Frequency dependence of χM′′ for M‐2 in the 2–8 K temperature range under an applied magnetic field of 1600 Oe. d) Thermal dependence of log(τ) for M‐2 (black dots) in the 2–5 K temperature range under an applied magnetic field of 1600 Oe with the best fit (full red line) obtained with equation S1 (see text for parameter values). Raman and Orbach contributions are drawn in dashed black and blue lines respectively.