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. 2023 Jan 11;65(2):e22360. doi: 10.1002/dev.22360


Included studies that examine the association between infant gut microbiome biomarkers and neurodevelopmental outcomes (N = 13)

Author (year), country Population context Covariates Study design Final N (% male) Biomarker(s) Biosample age Source Source analytic method Outcome measure (domains) Age at outcome
Kelsey et al. (2021), USA TD Birthweight, income, breastfeeding, gestational age, head circumference Cross‐sectional 63 (58.73%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity: Shannon Index and Chao1

2. Virulence Factors

9–56 days post‐natal Diaper stool via collection tube by parents Shotgun DNA gene sequencing Database: Custom built from NCBI, incl draft/complete genomes of Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi, Viruses, Protozoa IBQ‐R (negative emotionality; regulation/orienting; surgency/positive emotionality); FNIRS (functional brain connectivity) 25 days
Aatsinki et al. (2019), Finland TD Sex, mode of delivery, gestational age, infant age during sampling, antibiotic treatments, breastfeeding status at 2.5 months of age Prospective cohort 301 (53%)

1. 16S rRNA

2. Alpha diversity

3. Alpha richness

4. Observed species (profile, genera, OTUs): V. dispar: Enterobacteriaceae, Clostridium neonatale; Bacteroides: Bacteroides fragilis and other species; Bifidobacterium/Enterobacteriaceae, Erwinia, Streptococcus

2.5 months postnatal Diaper stool via collection tube by parents 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing with MiSeq (Illumina) Database: GreenGenes IBQ‐R (negative emotionality; regulation/orienting; surgency/positive emotionality) 6 months
Aatsinki et al. (2022), Finland Elevated prenatal symptoms of depression and anxiety Maternal age and education, BMI, prenatal SSRI/SNRI use, prenatal end‐of‐pregnancy depressive symptoms, infant gestational age at birth, birth length and height, age at fecal sampling, breastfeeding status, infant antibiotics intake, mode of delivery Secondary prospective cohort within a case–control 131 (53%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity

2. Observed taxa: Bifidobacterium, Clostridium

2.5 months postnatal Diaper stool via collection tube by parents 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing with MiSeq (Illumina) Database: GreenGenes Stimulus‐based assessment of attention to emotional faces 8 months
Carlson et al. (2018), USA TD Breastfeeding at time of sample collection, paternal ethnicity, mode of delivery Prospective cohort 89 (55.1%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity

2. Specific Taxa

3. Richness

1 year Diaper by parents

16S rRNA via Illumina MiSeq

Database: Not specified

MSEL (gross motor skills; fine motor skills; visual reception; expressive and receptive language) 1 year
Rozé et al. (2020), France Preterm Gestational age, maternal age, maternal country of birth, maternal education, birth weight Z‐score, cesarean delivery, and individual therapeutics Cohort 577 (52.5%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity: Shannon Index

2. Observed taxa: Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Escherichia, Shigella

Median age of 23 days postbirth Diaper stool at −80°C by researchers

16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing with MiSeq (Illumina)

Database: RDP

ASQ (overall neurodevelopment) 2 years
Loughman et al. (2020), Australia TD Gestational age, mode of birth, antibiotic use during labor, breastfeeding at 4 weeks, number of siblings, household pet ownership, sex of child, age of child at time of developmental assessment Prospective cohort 201 (52.7%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity

2. Beta diversity

1, 6, and 12 months postnatal Diaper by parents

16S RNA via Illumina MiSeq

Database: SILVA

CBCL (internalizing problems; externalizing problems; total problems) 2 years
Loughman et al. (2021), Australia Colic Mode of birth, sex, birth weight, gestational age, infant feeding type, infant age at baseline, antibiotic or probiotic use in 24 h prior to sample collection, baseline crying/fussing time, maternal postpartum depression at baseline and 1 month, maternal education level Prospective cohort 118 (53%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity

2. Beta diversity

7.4 weeks Diaper by parents

16S rRNA via Illumina MiSeq platform, using 2 × 300 bp paired‐end sequencing,

Database: Not specified

CBCL (internalizing problems; externalizing problems; total problems) 2 years
Gao et al. (2019), USA TD Sex, maternal education, paternal age, paternal ethnicity, twin status, postnatal age at scan, income Prospective cohort 39 (61.5%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity: Shannon, Chao1, Faith's Phylogenetic

2. Observed species

1 year Diaper by parents

16S rRNA via Illumina MiSeq

Database: Not specified

MSEL (gross motor skills, fine motor skills; visual reception; expressive and receptive language) 2 years
van den Berg et al. (2016), Netherlands Very preterm Gestational age, birth weight, sex, and one or more serious neonatal infections Case–control 79 (59.21%) Bifidobacteria count

48 h postnatal


7 days

14 days postnatal

Stool Bacterial cells BSID‐II/III (cognition; motor skills) 2 years
Christian et al. (2015), USA TD Temperament characteristics, surgency/extraversion, sociability, high‐intensity pleasure and activity level, eating behavior Prospective cohort 77 (53.25%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity

2. Beta diversity

18–27 months postnatal Diaper via collection tube by parents

16S rRNA via Roche 454 FLX Titanium

Database: GreenGenes

ECBQ (negative affectivity; surgency/extraversion; effortful control) 18–27 months
Rothenberg et al. (2021), China Living rurally Child had diarrhea or vomited in the previous 12 months, types of food consumed in previous 24 h, weight, height, weight‐for‐height Cross section within a prospective cohort 46 (55%)

16S rRNA

1. Specific Taxa

36 months Sterile cotton swab by parents

16S rRNA Illumina MiSeq 2 × 300 bp paired‐end sequencing

Database: RDP

BSID‐II (cognition; motor skills) 36 months
Sordillo et al. (2019), USA Asthma intervention Age at ASQ‐3 assessment, cholecalciferol (vitamin D) treatment group, clinical site, mode of delivery, child's sex, and antibiotic administration in the first days of life, gestational age, maternal age, marital status, education level, family income, infant race/ethnicity, breastfeeding status 6 months after birth Prospective cohort 309 (55%)

16S rRNA

1. Taxa Abundance

2. Specific Taxa

3–6 months Diaper via collection tube by parents

16S rRNA via Roche 454 FLX Titanium

Database: RDP

ASQ‐3 (motor skills; problem solving; communication; social skills) 3 years
Laue et al. (2020), USA TD Maternal self‐reported smoking during pregnancy, early exclusive breastfeeding, delivery mode, peripartum antibiotics, gestational age, age at SRS‐2, maternal education, marital status, maternal age, paternal age, and child sex Prospective cohort 140 (51.6%)

16S rRNA

1. Alpha diversity: Shannon Diversity Index

2. Specific Taxa

6 weeks, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years postnatal Study‐provided diaper or Receptacle tube by parents (depending on age)

16S rRNA via Illumina MiSeq and Shotgun sequencing via Illumina NextSeq

Database: GreenGenes (16S rRNA) MetaPhlAn (Shotgun)

SRS‐2 (awareness; cognition; communication; motivation; restricted interests/repetitive behavior) 3 years

Abbreviations: ASQ, Ages & Stages Questionnaire; BSID‐III, Bayley Scales of Infant Development—Third Edition; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist; ECBQ, Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire; FNIRS, Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy; IBQ‐R, Infant Behavior Questionnaire—Revised; MSEL, Mullen Scales of Early Learning; OTU, Operational Taxonomic Unit; SRS‐2, Social Responsiveness Scale 2; TD, typically developing.